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According to the model, wearing a mask can prevent up to 14,000 COVID-19 deaths by August.


New York-The influential COVID-19 model predicted the total number of US deaths from the virus by August 1. Researchers say it will be affected by the number of Americans who continue to wear masks as vaccination continues.

According to a model from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) at the University of Washington, approximately 618,523 people in the United States are estimated to die from the coronavirus by August 1. If 95% of the US population wears masks, the forecast drops to 604,413.

In the worst-case scenario, where fully vaccinated people return to pre-pandemic levels of mobility, the prediction increased to 697,573, which IHME predicted. Concerns about predictors of vaccine distribution and the spread of more contagious mutants.

All 50 states will release the vaccine to Americans over the age of 16 from April 19th. Increasing vaccination is an important step in defeating the virus, but health experts warn that the country is in competition with variants like B.1.1.7. First identified in the UK, cases can surge.

According to Johns Hopkins University, the United States reported at least 80,157 new cases on Friday, and at least 75,000 cases on the fourth day of the third consecutive day. To date, more than 561,000 people have died from the coronavirus, according to the total.

Vaccines are an effective tool against the spread of the virus, but they are not perfect and require precautions such as wearing masks and avoiding indoor gatherings, Dr. Anthony Fauci said.

“I don’t think people will go to crowded indoors without masks, even if they are vaccinated,” the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases told Business Insider.

Pfizer is trying to extend vaccination to Americans up to 12 years old

To date, the youngest American to be vaccinated is 16.

But on Friday, Dr. Janet Woodcock, Deputy Commissioner for the Food and Drug Administration, “as soon as possible” Pfizer’s request to extend the emergency license for the COVID-19 vaccine from pharmaceutical companies to people aged 12 to 15 years. He said he would evaluate.

“The FDA cannot predict how long it will take to evaluate data and information, but we will use a thorough, scientific-based approach to consider the request as quickly as possible,” Woodcock said on Twitter. Stated.

Dr. Syra Madad, senior director of the New York City Health + Hospitals system-wide specialty pathogen program, said on Saturday she was excited as a parent by making vaccines available to groups aged 12 to 15 years. I told CNN.

Madad, a Fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School’s Center for International Studies in Belfer Science, said: “This is very welcome news. We know that children are vulnerable to infections and hospitalizations … they are certainly increasing in cases.”

The drug company said it would seek similar decisions by other authorities around the world in the coming days.

“These requirements are based on data from an important Phase 3 trial in adolescents aged 12 to 15 years with and without prior evidence of SARS-CoV-2 infection. After vaccination with COVID-19, it showed 100% efficacy and a strong antibody response. Vaccine. “

Increasing cases and hospitalizations for COVID-19, CDC directors say

Meanwhile, COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations are increasing, especially for young people, and deaths are declining, said Dr. Rochelle Warrensky, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, on Friday. Said at the White House briefing.

Increasing cases and visits to the emergency room have been seen in young, unvaccinated adults, she said.

She said the number of visits to the emergency department between the ages of 18 and 25, 26 to 54, and 55 to 64 has increased, while those over the age of 65 have decreased. “”

Walensky said these are national statistics, but trends are growing in some parts of the country.

Due to the prevalence of the more contagious B.1.1.7 mutants and the declining proportion of young people vaccinated, the surge feared by experts can have a significant impact on young Americans.

“We must consider the B.1.1.7 mutant to be an almost brand new virus,” said Dr. Peter Hotez, director of national tropical medicine at Baylor College of Medicine, earlier this week. “It works differently than we’ve seen before in that it affects young people in terms of communication, so we have to take this very seriously.”

Concerns about side effects

In Colorado, three drive-up vaccination sites will stop offering Johnson & Johnson vaccines on Saturday following reports of side effects.

According to a Centura Health press release, the sites are Dick’s Sports Goods Park in Commerce City, Broadmoor World Arena in Colorado Springs, and Colorado State Fairgrounds in Pueblo.

The Healthcare Network has repeated the CDC guidance that the Johnson & Johnson vaccine is safe and effective, but the national shortage of vaccines and the side effects of previous vaccination events at Dick’s Sporting Goods Park. The week that the decision was made for the case of.

The vaccination site at Dick’s Sporting Goods Park had to be closed early Wednesday after at least 11 of the more than 1,700 people who received the Johnson & Johnson vaccine experienced side effects.

However, officials in Wake County, North Carolina will resume receiving Johnson & Johnson vaccines on Monday after suspending Thursday when 18 people in the PNC Arena experienced a “mild to severe reaction” after vaccination. ..

This decision is “the result of a thorough internal review that further supports the findings of the CDC and the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services. The findings show that there are no issues of concern, and the findings of other similar events across the country. Is consistent with. ” In the statement.

The CDC said in a statement to CNN that it was aware of various incidents related to the J & J vaccine reported in Iowa, Colorado, Georgia and North Carolina.

At this time, the CDC and FDA have stated that “the health sector does not recommend stopping high doses of the COVID-19 vaccine.” “The CDC performed a vaccine lot analysis but found no reason for concern.”

Madad told CNN on Saturday that the side effects were “consistent with the side effects normally seen after vaccination.”

“For now, the benefits certainly outweigh the risks, but I hope more information is available to the general public,” she said.

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