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Doctors warn against the dangerous TikTok “sunscreen contour” tendency that can cause cancer


As summer approaches, skin care becomes more important than ever.

Wearing sunscreen is the key to staying safe-doctors are now warning against dangerous TikTok trends that can lead to skin cancer.

Model Eli Wislow, 24, posted a hint that she left behind. "Feeling snatched all summer"


Model Eli Wislow, 24, posted a hint she said she left “a snatching feeling throughout the summer.”Credit: tiktok / @ stopiteli

This trend spread in word of mouth after Los Angeles-based model Eli Withrow, 24, posted that she was “snatched all summer.”

Posting to her 54.6K followers, she states: It outlines the face where the bronzer is placed and is naturally snatched during the summer. “

The NHS states that “there is no safe and healthy way to get a sunburn,” and sunburn does not protect the skin from harmful effects.

By not using the SPF that suits you and not covering any part of your body, you run the risk of sunburn and even more skin damage.

Dr Simran Deo, Online Doctor at Zava, said UV rays from the sun can cause serious damage to the skin.

“Outlining with SPF can usually result in temporary tan lines in areas that use make-up to produce the same effect, but when those tan lines disappear, they are more permanent. Skin damage can remain. It’s not so easy to reverse.

“The sun’s harsh UVA, UVB, and UVR rays can lead to early signs of aging such as wrinkles and fine lines, areas of hyperpigmentation such as kuroko, or deeper pigmentation known as chloasma.

“It can affect your immunity as well as damage skin cells that lead to skin cancer and precancerous changes,” she said. MailOnline..

The model also posted a photo of himself after the hack worked


The model also posted a photo of himself after the hack workedCredit: tiktok / @ stopiteli
Sunscreen should be worn to protect the skin from sun damage


Sunscreen should be worn to protect the skin from sun damageCredits: Getty-Contributors

Anshu Kaura, a pharmacist at Lloyds Pharmacy, said in the UK it is necessary to wear SPF on all exposed skin after March.

She states: “The British sun can be very strong during the summer and its harmful effects are unavoidable.

“The sun is the strongest in the UK between March and October, and between 11:00 am and 3:00 pm.

“The NHS advises you to wear SPF 30 during these months and avoid sunlight during the strongest hours.”

Anyone can get skin cancer, and melanoma is the fifth most common cancer in the UK.

There are more than 16,000 cases and about 2,300 cases annually.

The hack doesn't work for everyone, one teacher shared her results on a social media platform


The hack doesn’t work for everyone, one teacher shared her results on a social media platform

Melanoma is caused by overexposure to the sun and sunbed, which was previously caused by the sun Die for sunburn A campaign that raises the risk of skin cancer and raises awareness of the dangers of using sunbeds, which can cause premature aging.

Experts have blamed TikTok’s trends, but many social media users claim that hacking worked for them-as a result, they have a contoured look.

However, other users have stated that people should not try the trend and instead use sunscreen throughout.

Christa Clare Mclane posted a video about the TikTok hack after deciding to try it out.

The video shows a picture of her having fun using normal sunscreen techniques before showing what her face looks like after using the hack.

Her face was bright red with large white spots around her eyes.

Die for a tan campaign

There are an estimated 7,000 tanning salons in the UK, some offering sessions starting at just 50 pence per minute.

Eight-year-olds use sunbeds and seem to have little understanding of being healthy and playing Russian roulette.

According to Cancer Research UK, the risk of melanoma skin cancer is 16 to 25 percent higher in people (of any age) who have used sunbeds than in people who have never used sunbeds. I have.

This is because sunbeds damage the skin with such strong UV rays, increasing the risk of developing malignant melanoma (the most serious form of skin cancer).

Only 20 minutes in one is equivalent to 4 hours in the sun, much stronger than the Mediterranean rays at noon.

In many cases, it can take up to 20 years for the damage to become apparent, so the damage is not visible until it is too late.

Approximately 16,000 new cases of melanoma skin cancer are diagnosed each year in the United Kingdom. This is 44 cases daily.

Approximately 2,300 people die each year from melanoma skin cancer. This is more than 6 people every day.

This is part of why the World Health Organization considers sunbeds to be as dangerous as smoking.

That’s why it’s time for Fabulous to stop dying because of sunburn.

The teacher said, “It’s not a good idea.”

Bruce Green, a chartered chemist and founder of the British skincare brand, said to the sun, SOS serum He also said that sunscreen contours are not a good idea.

He states: “The idea of ​​using rays that damage the sun to naturally contour the face may sound fun. By using different SPF creams, the sun can do different degrees of damage to the skin. Give.

“So don’t do it! Use high-performance sunscreen throughout your face. If you want to exaggerate your perfect cheekbones, use a longwear foundation or a waterproof camouflage cover.

“Once the sun’s UVA and UVB rays damaged the skin, there was no turning back and the sun’s aging clock was advanced.”

Pareena Patel, a pharmacist at Lloyds Pharmacy, said the style may now look good to those who have been so-called successful in hacking, but the damage can actually cause premature aging.

She added: “Cumulative sun damage means that each time you are exposed to the sun, the damage from your previous exposure can increase.

“The harmful effects of the sun cannot always be undone, but there are ways to minimize future effects by paying as much attention to the skin as possible.”

Primark fans praise the £ 3 tan drop that gives it a golden glow without the hassle

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