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Katy Perry sparks debate as she wears steamy black dress on episode of American Idol

Katy Perry sparks debate as she wears steamy black dress on episode of American Idol


Katy Perry certainly knows how to make an entrance and a statement. During Sunday's thrilling episode of American Idol, the pop superstar not only turned heads, but sparked quite a conversation with her bold outfit choice as the competition heated up as the America was closing in on deciding this season's Top 5.

From the start, Katy, 39, was in her usual form, sharing a cheeky confession with host Ryan Seacrest, 49, and fellow judges Lionel Richie, 74, and Luke Bryan, 47. What you don't know is that my butt is out right now, she joked, leading Ryan to quickly respond: Well, fix yourself, before turning his attention back to the audience live.

The Firework hitmaker stunned in a plunging black leather dress that was as bold as it was beautiful, perfectly showcasing Katy's knack for memorable fashion moments.

Her look was impeccably complemented by perfectly applied makeup and sleek jet black hair that cascaded elegantly over her shoulders.

Katy Perry sparks debate with her steamy outfit©Instagram
Katy Perry sparks debate with her steamy outfit

The fashion stakes were raised even higher when McKenna contestant Faith Breinholt took the stage to perform Katy's hit ET, wearing a dress strikingly similar to Katy's, albeit with a different cut.

After the performance, Ryan took the opportunity to playfully ask if the dresses were as comfortable as they were stylish, to which Katy humorously replied: No, adding, “It's like the Met Gala one night early! “

Katy Perry Suffers Wardrobe Malfunction on American Idol

Viewers quickly took to social media to comment on Katy's ensemble, with widely varying opinions.

Some fans felt the look was perhaps too bold for the pop star at this stage of her career. Katy Perry is a little too old to dress like that. At some point you grow out of it, expressed one viewer.

Katy's plunging outfit on Sunday night's episode of American Idol©Instagram
Katy's plunging outfit on Sunday night's episode of American Idol

Others expressed concern about possible wardrobe malfunctions: Katy is one sneeze away from a wardrobe malfunction! and Katy, please get dressed, were just some of the comments that flooded online platforms.

All joking aside, some fans couldn't help but joke about the unique style of the outfit, with one viewer tweeting that Katy is wearing Glad bags on live TV.

Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom
Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom

The episode also marked a poignant moment for Katy, as she previously revealed in a candid interview with Jimmy Kimmel that this season would be her last on American Idol.

Explaining her decision, she shared: This fall, in September, I'm going to participate in this huge music festival in Brazil called Rock in Rio. So I think this will probably be my last season of Idol. Her departure will surely be a big change for the show, as Ryan noted, (Katy) just brought incredible generosity and love and a big heart, that kind of spirit to the show.

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