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Compassion is important when talking to people who are hesitant about the COVID-19 vaccine, Utah doctors advise


Salt Lake City — As the Utah COVID-19 case peaks, the demand for vaccinations has slowed, and health experts are urging people who are delaying firing to rethink.

Dr. Eddie Stenehjem, an infectious disease specialist at Intermountain Healthcare, said in a recent Q & A that anyone who wants to be vaccinated at this point and wants to do anything to get an injection does. Stated.

Now, Stenehem said it was time to focus on those who were hesitant about the vaccine and help them feel comfortable with it. Individuals who oppose all vaccinations are probably already determined about the COVID-19 vaccine — Stenehjem said it is a minority of all people. Instead, it is people who support vaccination, On the fence About the COVID-19 vaccine he mentions.

“These are the people we really need to influence and persuade.” Hey, we really need to get this vaccine just for Utah’s public health, “Stenehem said.

So what’s the best way to talk to family and friends who may still be hesitant? First, Stenehem said that having compassion is paramount. He added that approaching an individual from a place of empathy and understanding would help people feel comfortable. Throwing facts at someone or yelling at them doesn’t help.

For example, we don’t prioritize shots because someone may not be aware that they are at risk for COVID-19. In this case, it may not be at risk, but it may be helpful to share a personal story explaining that someone at risk can unknowingly infect the virus. not.

Also, approaching individuals by first recognizing where they are coming from and explaining that reaching herd immunity by vaccination is a community effort and needs their help. Can help, Stenehjem said. He added that the COVID-19 vaccine plays an important role in ending the COVID-19 pandemic and returning everyone to normal life.

“If we want to return to pre-March 2020, everyone needs to work together to get vaccinated. When 40-45% of the community is vaccinated, we have a 50-55% impact. It’s easy to get. ” “We are still at high risk of seeing another surge, and the number of unvaccinated patients is on the rise.”

Trials and studies have shown that all approved vaccines administered in the United States are safe. This includes the Johnson & Johnson Vaccine. I unsuspended last week.. Distribution of the J & J vaccine was suspended after a small number of individuals developed blood clots after vaccination. The United States resumed J & J vaccination last week after health officials determined that the benefits of shots outweighed the risk of blood clotting.

For Stenehjem, the pause proved that the safety monitoring system was working because the problem was investigated and addressed promptly.

recently Survey conducted by Qualtrics, 42% say they are more likely to get the vaccine at the recommendation of their doctor. Another 34% said that nominations from trusted families had the same effect. After all, Stenehjem advised that if you have any concerns about getting the COVID-19 vaccine, you should consult your primary care physician for more information.

In Salt Lake County Thousands of open vaccinations can be booked This week, health officials are urging those who haven’t fired yet to fire now and not postpone it anymore. If people are not vaccinated and the restrictions are lifted, the virus and its variants could surge again, leading to more hospitalizations and deaths, Stenehem said.

“I’m worried that if we don’t reach that’herd immunity’and go back to the way we were doing things, we’ll see spikes again,” he warned. ..

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