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How Cline Dion's Bold Wedding Day Fashion Landed Her in the Hospital

How Cline Dion's Bold Wedding Day Fashion Landed Her in the Hospital


Many wedding vows have this sickness/health, richer/poorer type language, but perhaps couples preparing to walk down the aisle should take this into account. Cline DionThis is an example and include something like when the iconic but very heavy accessory I wear at our wedding sends me to the hospital.

When the singer married Ren Anglil in 1994, she wore a massive seven-pound headpiece adorned with some 2,000 Swarovski crystals, covering most of her forehead and hovering high above her head, her veil tied and trailing behind her .

In a video with Vogue France this week Detailing some of her most iconic looks throughout her storied career, the My Heart Will Go On singer, 54, shared that the tiara had to be sewn to her hair to keep it firmly in place, and that she had to practice walking while wearing it. to make sure she could support his weight.

I practiced and everything is smooth and everything is fine, but when I had to walk in the cathedral, it's not parquet, it's a carpet, she said of a possible stumbling. I had an immediate facelift. And it's like: Am I going to make it? Will I succeed with my future husband? But like I said, Oh, I'll run to you. I did it.

When you're so happy, there's no weight, there's no problem, there's no pain, she said.

At the end of the night, however, when it came time to undo the bridegroom's headpiece, the drama behind the dramatic prop began.

I had a cut because the pressure was too much, she said of her discovery at the end of the evening. The next day, I wake up, I look at myself in the mirror, I have the size of an egg in the middle of my forehead, it's so huge that it hurts my eyes. [go cross-eyed].

She went to the hospital and was prescribed antibiotics to help heal the fashion-inflicted injury. Despite everything, Dion does not regret her look on her wedding day.

“It’s a moment that will stay with me for the rest of my life,” she exclaimed. The dress couldn't have been big enough. I could have had three times the size on my head. I could have worn six different dresses that night because he was, and still is, a wonderful human being. He brought [out] the best in me. He really did it.

Anglil, who was also Dions' manager, died in 2016 at the age of 73 after several cancer diagnoses. The couple shared three sons. In an interview also published earlier this week by French Vogue, in which Dion also shared an update on her own battle with degenerative neurological stiff person syndrome, the singer told the story of the first time she met her future husband. She was only 12 and had recorded a demo. Anglil was Dion's sole manager for years before their relationship developed and became romantic.

I was a little scared and anxious, so I stayed close to my mother, she said of that first meeting. We entered a building, an elevator, an office with gold records and a secretary… And then he opened the door. This man, who was very handsome, very well dressed, very classy, ​​asked me: Can you sing me a little part of the song? Singing in front of one person is worse than performing in front of a crowd of 20,000 people. He gave me a pencil and said: Imagine this is a microphone. Yes, that will do the trick! He wanted to make sure it was really me singing on the demo. While I was singing, he started crying. That's how I met Ren.

In the interview, she talked about her desire to work every day and enjoy life, and how she stopped wondering why she was struck by this illness.

Do I have any regrets? “I don’t know, I don’t know and I don’t care because the stage, my family, my children and my songs have taught me everything I know,” she said. There is life, school, the arts, emotion, passion, secrets, desires, gifts. People are constantly questioning life. Stop questioning life, we should live it. It's not always pretty, but it's here.




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