100 million fully vaccinated people are helping the United States reopen.But we need millions more | Health
The United States has fully vaccinated more than 100 million people COVID-19, According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Optimism about the future.
“I can confidently say that the worst is behind us,” Dr. Ashish Jha, Dean of Public Health at Brown University, told ABC’s Good Morning America on Friday. “We don’t see the suffering and death we saw during the holidays. I think we are in much better shape forward.”
The only thing that could threaten the outlook, he said, is the spread of coronavirus variants, making increasing vaccination even more important.
According to the United States, more than 243 million vaccines have been given. Data published on Saturday From the CDC. This means that there are about 3.3 million more doses reported to have been given since Friday. In other words, the current average of 7 days of vaccination is about 2.5 million doses per day.
According to CDC data, more than 146 million people are currently vaccinated at least once, and more than 103 million are fully vaccinated.
The vaccination milestone means that nearly 40% of adults have been vaccinated, but there are still ways to reach herd immunity in the United States. This is when 70-85% of the population is vaccinated. According to Dr. Anthony Fauci. And health officials say the only way to keep mortality down is to increase vaccination efforts.
Based on the latest estimates, about 80% of the US population is currently eligible for age-based coronavirus vaccine vaccination. Qualifying people between the ages of 12 and 15 will open up vaccination to an additional 5% and bring the country closer to herd immunity.
The CDC emphasizes routine immunization in adolescence
However, according to CDC director Dr. Rochelle Warrensky, at an event at the Pediatric Society, such vaccinations have declined this year.
Also, as children returning to school need routine immunization, it is expected that the influenza vaccine will be deployed every year and the Covid-19 vaccine for children over 12 years old will be available, which is a logistical challenge. May occur.
“Achieving both the deployment of the Covid-19 vaccine in adolescence and the rapid catch-up of regular vaccination among local, state, and federal-level families, healthcare providers, and public health authorities. It requires a truly coordinated effort, “says Walensky. ..
The CDC recommends that no other vaccine be given within 14 days of the Covid-19 vaccine, so not all vaccines can be given at once.
“This means a period of up to eight weeks in which adolescents may not be eligible for the recommended routine immunization,” Walensky said.
“School vaccination programs have the potential to extend the reach of adolescent vaccinations at both pre-school mass vaccination sites and fall catch-up campaigns,” she told pediatricians. I called for support for my efforts.
“To achieve high immunization rates and reduce Covid-19 infections, children under the age of 18 need to be vaccinated quickly and extensively,” she said.
Vaccines from Pfizer / BioNTech have an emergency use authorization for people over the age of 16, while vaccines from Moderna and Johnson & Johnson have been granted to people over the age of 18.
Pfizer has submitted an amendment to the Food and Drug Administration’s Emergency Use Authorization for vaccines, extending the permit to people between the ages of 12 and 15. Meanwhile, Moderna says he expects the vaccine to be approved for people over the age of 12 this summer.
Pfizer and Modana are also studying vaccines in 6-month-old young children.
The expected number of deaths in the model will decrease
Approximately 598,882 Americans are expected to die of the coronavirus by August 1, according to the latest projections from the Institute for Health Metrics (IHME) at the University of Washington.
It’s down from last week’s report, When IHME estimated at least 602,723 deaths by August 1. The new projections explain the increased distribution of the Covid-19 vaccine over the next 90 days and the continued spread of the B.1.1.7 virus variant in the United States.
“Daily cases and mortality continue to decline, and despite the widespread circulation of B.1.1.7, the combination of increased vaccination and reduced seasonality has facilitated a reduction in epidemics. It shows that we are, “says the IHME team.
With low mortality and high vaccination rates, it makes sense to aim for a full resumption by July 1, Warensky said Friday.
“We are focusing on vaccination of people and lowering case rates,” he said at the White House’s Covid-19 press conference. “If we can continue at this pace, the case rate will decrease and vaccination will increase. Then, I think July 1st is a reasonable goal.”
However, she warns that “the virus had previously tricked us,” and it will be important to monitor the incident in the coming months.
But CNN medical analyst Dr. Linawen said the United States couldn’t reach herd immunity when people “at risk” about getting vaccinated saw things go back to normal and complacent. I’m afraid.
“What I’m really worried about is that people who are already on the fence will not be vaccinated. Coronavirus is a winter respiratory virus, so it does not reach herd immunity from fall to winter. There is a resurrection .. Maybe variants from other countries will come in, “she told CNN’s Michael Smerconish on Saturday.
“And we were able to start the whole process over,” she said, emphasizing the importance of incentives for vaccinated individuals.
The side effects of most J & J vaccines are not serious
Rare reports of blood clots have raised concerns about Johnson & Johnson single-dose vaccines, but a new review of safety data classifies only 3% of reactions reported after vaccination as severe. I found out that there is.
A total of 17 severe blood clots and decreased platelet levels occurred among people vaccinated with the J & J vaccine. CDC report published on Friday.
The report states that the safety profile of previous vaccines is similar to that seen in clinical trials, but safety monitoring during vaccine deployment quickly identified the development of blood clots.
“A rare but serious adverse event that occurs primarily in women, a large vascular thrombus with a decrease in platelet count, was quickly detected by the US Vaccine Safety Monitoring System,” CDC researchers said. It is stated in the report. “After receipt of all COVID-19 vaccines, including the Janssen COVID-19 vaccine, monitoring of common and rare adverse events continues.”
The data included 88 deaths reported after vaccination. Of these deaths, three occurred in patients with dural venous sinus thrombosis, and CDC researchers wrote in a preliminary review that “other deaths do not appear to be associated with vaccination.” I will.
CNN’s Melissa Alonso, Jen Christensen, Jacqueline Howard, Virginia Langmaid, and Lauren Mascarenhas contributed to this report.
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