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Deaths decrease as OC stays in the orange layer, and some COVID-19 cases increase


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Colin Blow

Orange County is not currently included in the yellow “minimum” layer of the state’s four-layer color-coded COVID-19 surveillance system, detailing the level of officially permitted activity.

The county has remained in the orange “medium” layer since March 31st. The region qualifies for the yellow layer in terms of test positive rates, but not in terms of daily case numbers. The yellow layer requires less than 2 cases per 100,000 people to test positive. The positive rate for Orange County is 1.3%, but the number of new cases per 100,000 is 2.4.

However, the number of cases is gradually decreasing over time. Last Tuesday, April 27th was 2.6.

Los Angeles County is ready to enter the yellow layer on Thursday.

Recently, there is a lot of COVID-19 news in the country and around the world. New York Times Experts report that they believe that herd immunity is unlikely in the United States, the Food and Drug Administration Considering granting Pfizer vaccine to children, And President Joe Biden 70% of adults want to get one vaccination by July 4th.. The number of cases is increasing rapidly in India.

Governor Gavin Newsom has set June 15 as the planned full reopening date for California, provided that adequate vaccine doses are given and the number of cases is low.

Orange County reported 6,161 COVID-19 tests on May 4, with more than 3.6 million cumulative tests to date. So far, there have been 246,783 recoveries.

Nine deaths from COVID-19 were reported in Orange County on May 4. So far, there have been a cumulative death to 4,978 people in Orange County.

Cases are gradually increasing in San Clemente and San Juan Capistrano. In the last 30 days, there have been 80 cases in San Clemente and 48 cases in San Juan Capistrano. On April 1, the 30-day counties of the two towns were 49 counties in San Clemente and 30 counties in San Juan Capistrano.

There have been 27 cases at Dana Point in the last 30 days. On April 1, Dana Point had 38 cases for 30 days.

However, deaths over the last 30 days have remained low, one for each town in the three city areas of Dana Point, San Clemente and San Juan Capistrano.

Most counties in California are in the orange layer, but some are in the more restrictive red “substantial” layer. There are no counties in the widespread layer, 12 in the substantive layer, 39 in the medium layer, and 7 in the smallest layer.

As of Tuesday, there were a total of 32.5 million cases nationwide in the United States, with a total of about 577,000 deaths. As of Tuesday, California had a total of about 3.75 million cases and 62,215 deaths. There are a total of about 154 million cases worldwide.

Approximately 247 million vaccinations have been carried out nationwide, and 106 million have been completely vaccinated. About 32% of California’s population is fully vaccinated, and 32.1% of the country is fully vaccinated. There were more than 30 million doses in California.

Worldwide, more than 608 million people have been vaccinated at least once, and 279 million have been fully vaccinated, the latter accounting for 3.6% of the world’s population.

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