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After the pandemic: Organ transplants bounce in protracted questions


for Today’s MedPageIn the “After Pandemic” series, Editorial board member Discuss how the COVID-19 pandemic will have an important and lasting impact on medicine and healthcare delivery.

Here, we interview Dr. Mary “Minor” Walsh, a cardiologist for heart failure. Indianapolis, Indiana, and Past St. Vincent Heart Center President of the American College of Cardiology.

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Can you share anecdotes about your patients and how the pandemic affected their situation? How was the result?

Walsh: A patient with a donor heart refused a transplant early in the pandemic. He was overwhelmed by the potential risk to him and the prospect that visitor restrictions would result in him being in the hospital without a family. He is stable and still waiting for a transplant.

Organ transplants dived with elective surgery at the beginning of the pandemic. Did it bounce off completely?

Walsh: The decline in transplant rates varied from center to center. Early on, the hit northeastern center suspended transplants, while other centers in other geographic locations took the usual approach. Currently, most centers have been restored and operating in pre-pandemic volumes.

Immediately reverts to the previous ported volume. With low COVID hospitalization rates in most parts of the country, hospitals are once again adequate in ICU capacity and the barriers have disappeared.

I’ve heard about COVID infections in organ recipients and COVID-to-COVID transplants. What precautions should be taken against donors and recipients next year?

Walsh: First, all patients awaiting a heart transplant must be vaccinated to be listed, and both donor and recipient COVID testing is a must. Rapid testing is becoming more accessible and accurate, giving patients a sense of security. The risk of COVID overlaps with the high risk of CDC and the decision to accept hepatitis C-positive organs for the listed patients.

Concerns about cardiomyopathy after COVID are focused on participating in sports. Will it affect organ transplants in the long run?

Walsh: We are currently evaluating donors who have previously experienced COVID with standard imaging by echocardiography, coronary angiography, and serology. It has not yet been determined whether MRI imaging of COVID-received donors will help determine donors.

Which question About coronavirus Are you most looking forward to getting an answer within a year?

Walsh: How long will vaccine prevention last? Are you planning to get a vaccine or booster with data on variants every year? What about the public’s desire for long-term masking and social distance expansion?

I think it is still unclear how many variants will be seen in the future one year later. By then, you may still be asking what the sequelae of patients with “long COVID” syndrome are, and if there is a better way to diagnose and treat them.

Last updated: May 7, 2021


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