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Can You Get Too Much Vitamin D?


Close-up of a woman's hand holding a vitamin D supplement

Vitamin D Became a loved one in the world of supplements, and for good reason.Roughly 1 billion people worldwide suffer from vitamin D deficiencyIs linked with Increased risk of osteoporosis, depression,and infection.. In that case, it makes sense that more people are looking for supplements, but after all, that’s not always a good thing.

Medical Research Institute recommends that people under the age of 70 get 600 international units (IU) of vitamin D per day.. Still, Amazon’s search finds high doses of vitamin D supplements as high as 10,000 IU per serving. This is well above the recommended intake. And while you may have heard that it’s okay to take large amounts of certain vitamins, this rule doesn’t apply to vitamin D because the body simply removes excess. Vitamin D is fat-solubleThat means it is absorbed in the same way that the body absorbs dietary fat. When ingested more than necessary, it is stored especially in areas such as the liver and adipose tissue.

Do you need to worry? And how do you ensure that you get enough vitamin D, both from supplements and from nature? POPSUGAR talked to an expert to find out.

What are some natural sources of Vitamin D?

There are several different ways your body can get vitamin D: through the food you eat Supplements you take, And through exposure to the sun’s rays. When the skin is exposed to sunlight for extended periods of time, the body naturally produces vitamin D. However, SPF not only protects the skin from sun damage, but also blocks the light rays that are essential to this process. Covering your skin with clothing, living in a shaded area, spending time indoors, or darkening your skin can prevent your body from producing enough vitamin D.

Of course, this means you need to get “sunshine vitamins” elsewhere.Not so many Vitamin D food sourceEating foods such as salmon, mushrooms, milk, and fortified 100% orange juice will help you meet your daily quota. If you still don’t get enough vitamin D, your doctor may recommend supplements.

Is Vitamin D Too Much?

Vitamin D is essential, but it’s perfectly possible to get a lot of good stuff. “All nutrients have symptoms associated with deficiency (too little) and toxicity (too much).” Christina Harris Jackson, PhD, RDN, Research Director OmegaQuant Analytics, LLC told POPSUGAR. “It is possible to oversupplement vitamin D, but it is not possible for most people to overdose vitamin D from the sun.” It is also rare to overdose vitamin D from food sources.

When supplements come out, you can overdo it. In the long run, it can lead to the following unpleasant symptoms and consequences: Hypercalcemia, Stomachache, nausea, And kidney problems. Part of the role of vitamin D is to increase calcium absorption. When vitamin D becomes excessive, “calcium begins to accumulate in soft tissues and arteries, and trying to remove calcium can clog the kidneys with calcium,” Dr. Jackson explained.

Perhaps the most surprising result of excessive vitamin D intake is bone loss. Maintaining healthy levels of this nutrient is essential to support bone health, but too much can be harmful.In a study published in Journal of American Medical Association, People who took up to 10,000 IU of vitamin D daily for 3 years Had under Bone mineral density in several areas of the body Than those who took low doses. There are many reasons why this is the case. For example, elevated vitamin D may suppress hormones that affect the levels of calcium and phosphorus, two other important nutrients for bone health.

How can I safely replenish vitamin D?

When it comes to supplements, most healthcare providers prefer “testing over guessing.” This means that you should check your vitamin D levels as part of your daily blood test and take supplements only if you are really deficient and your doctor recommends. This is true even if there are risk factors for vitamin D deficiency, such as dark skin, limited exposure to sunlight, and low dietary intake of vitamin D-rich foods.

If you go out alone, be careful not to overdo it. “We don’t recommend starting above the daily limit of 4,000 IU set by the Institute of Medicine,” said Dr. Jackson — although people rarely consume large amounts of vitamin D. , is Possible. “Vitamin D oversupply carries risks, so it’s important to work with your healthcare provider if you want to optimize your vitamin D status.”

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