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Incidence of cervical cancer decreases, but other HPV cancers increase

Incidence of cervical cancer decreases, but other HPV cancers increase


Cervical cancer Incidences in the United States decreased by about 1% each year from 2001 to 2017, while other incidences also increased. Human papillomavirus (HPV) -related cancer, new research reveals.

Over the same period, oropharyngeal cancer, anal cancer, rectal cancer, and vulvar cancer increased by 1.3% annually in women, and these cancers increased by 2.3% annually in men.

Researchers say that HPV is associated with more than 90% of cervical cancers and 60% to 75% of oropharyngeal, vulvar, vaginal and penile cancers in the United States.

The overall incidence of oropharyngeal cancer increased by 2.3%, 2.7% in men and 0.77% in women. Studies have shown that the incidence of this cancer is 8.89 per 100,000 population for men, compared to 1.68 per 100,000 population for women, almost five times higher.

In addition, among women over the age of 50, with the anus Rectal cancer The incidence increased by 3.5% each year. At the same time, the incidence of cervical cancer decreased by 1.5% annually.

The authors said the incidence of oropharyngeal, anal and rectal cancer is expected to continue to increase.

Data showing these new trends come from an analysis of 657,317 individuals from the US Cancer Statistics Program. Cheng-I Liao, MD, Kaohsiung Veterans Hospital in Taiwan, and of colleagues.

The study was highlighted at a press conference prior to the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting, which will be announced on June 6.

These incidence trends indicate the availability of clear guidelines for screening and vaccination for the prevention of HPV-related cervical cancer, and guidelines for other HPV-related cancers and standardized screening and vaccination. The authors say it may reflect a shortage.

The team also found that cervical cancer accounted for 52% of all HPV-related cancers during the study period. The incidence of cervical cancer decreased over time in women aged 20-24 years (4.6% per year) compared to 25-29 years (1.6%) and 30-34 years (1.1%). It was big.

Liao speculated that this age-based difference suggests the potential benefits of HPV vaccination, increased vaccination acceptance among young women, and clear guidelines for screening and vaccination.

However, the experts who approached for comment were not so confident. He said it was too early to admit that HPV vaccination had a low incidence of cervical cancer. Jennifer Young Earrings, MD, MPH, Gynecologic oncologist at the Mitchell Cancer Institute, University of South Alabama, Mobile.

The continued increase in HPV-related cancers other than cervical cancer supports that screening, rather than vaccination, explains many of the observed reductions in the incidence of cervical cancer. Said Pierce. Medscape Medical News..

She explained that vaccinations for men lag behind vaccinations for women and that there is a lack of good screening methods for head and neck cancer.

“High rates of both vaccination and screening for these other cancers will also significantly reduce these cancers,” she said.

“I’m very excited about the data, but I don’t think it’s related to vaccination as a preventative measure,” he has been involved in many HPV vaccine-related research and improvement initiatives. Pierce, a professor of interdisciplinary clinical oncology, said. Vaccine intake since approval in 2006.

HPV vaccination

The HPV vaccine was first approved in 2006 to prevent HPV-related cervical cancer and is intended for girls and women aged 9-26 years. Vaccine indications were expanded in 2011 to include boys aged 11-12 and are currently approved for boys up to 45 years.

However, Liao said that currently neither standardized screening nor HPV vaccination is recommended for HPV-related cancers other than cervical cancer.

Vaccination for most of the current study period (2001-2017) did not apply to most people with cancer, Pierce explained in an interview that vaccinated individuals ” We’re not old enough to be part of the group yet, “we said. “

Rather, the increased use of HPV screening along with the Papanicolaou test for cervical cancer was much more widespread at the time and may have picked up more precancerous lesions, thereby in the 40s, 50s, and 60s. It helped reduce the incidence of cervical cancer in teenage women. And in the 70’s she said.

However, Pierce acknowledges the vaccine movement for raising awareness of HPV risk.

“It did a great job of educating people about the risks of these cancers … and there’s more we can do to prevent them,” she said.

Like Liao, she emphasized the need for research focused on finding more effective screening methods and vaccine efficacy.

He also commented on the research and President of ASCO Lori J. Pierce, MD, Radiation oncologists, professors, and undergraduate and undergraduate vice presidents at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, said the findings underscore the need for continued investigation of potential strategies such as HPV screening for high-risk populations. Stated.

“You can choose a higher-risk population so that screening makes sense,” she said.

“Clearly, this study shows that we still have a lot to do to reverse the increased incidence of other HPV-related cancers,” she added at a press conference.

Pierce said in an interview before the press conference Medscape Medical News The findings are important because they “open all our eyes to the trend of HPV-related cancers in the United States.

“This hasn’t been well studied for a long time,” she added, noting that if there are guidelines for HPV-related cancers other than cervical cancer, they are inconsistent.

In addition, the vaccine could “cover a significant portion of the pathogenic viruses that cause these cancers,” she said, thereby helping to prevent other HPV-related cancers.

Therefore, additional research and strategies are needed to overcome vaccine hesitation, increase overall vaccination coverage, and develop consistent guidelines.

“We need more resources and research to address the lack of screening for these other HPV-related cancers, and I think we need to have consistent vaccination guidelines because these cancers are preventable. “

Liao and Pierce do not disclose the relevant financial relationship.

Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology: Summary 107, to be published on June 6, 2021.

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