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Tulsa Health Department contacts 1,150 people to repeat second COVID-19 infection – FOX23 News


Tulsa, Oklahoma — Internal Cold Chain Protocol error has been discovered and immediately corrected, and has contacted 1,150 individuals who received the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, the Department of Health announced in a press release Did. There are no known health risks to these individuals, and health authorities recommend repeated doses to ensure full efficacy and protection against the virus.

“Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine affected individuals at the THD Clinic from May 3 to 17 will be contacted by THD personnel and will be scheduled to repeat the dose,” said Tulsa Health Department Says. “Affected clinics are James O. Goodwin Health Center, Central Regional Health Center, Sand Springs Health Center, and North Regional Health and Wellness Center. Other clinic locations are unaffected. Individuals can refer to the COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card to see the date of vaccination. “

Dr. Bruce Dart, Executive Director of THD, states that proper storage and handling of vaccines is paramount to the vaccination process.

“To prevent this from happening in the future, we immediately implemented additional cold chain management measures,” Dart said.

The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine storage and handling guidelines allow the vaccine to be stored in the freezer between -13 ° F and 5 ° F for up to 2 weeks before mixing. The total time the vials are stored at these temperatures should be tracked and should not exceed 2 weeks. Vaccines stored in the freezer can be transferred to the refrigerator for an additional 120 hours (5 days).

The vaccine was misadministered after being stored in the freezer for 1-14 days longer than the recommended time. THD personnel contacted the vaccine manufacturer, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the Oklahoma Department of Health to determine corrective actions. Vaccination Implementation Advisory Board guidelines state that “inadvertently administered vaccines exposed to inappropriate temperatures should generally be repeated.”

The CDC advises that: “Not all currently approved COVID-19 vaccines are alive, so Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine can be repeated on the opposite arm as soon as possible. All affected patients. Re-vaccination should be provided to the person. A person who receives a single additional dose is considered to be fully vaccinated 2 weeks after the final dose.

  • If the ineffective dose is the first dose, repeat the dose as soon as possible on the opposite arm. A second dose is given 21 days after the repeat dose.
  • If the ineffective dose is the second dose, repeat the dose as soon as possible with the opposite arm. This is the end of the series.
  • Note: Due to lack of data, we do not recommend a third dose to pregnant women at this time. Re-vaccination is recommended for everyone else. “

Individuals who receive an invalid dose will receive a call from a THD public health professional and schedule a repetitive dose appointment. Those who may have received the affected dose can call the Tulsa Health Department (918-582-9355). The additional doses are not expected to increase the risk and the side effects will be the same as the previous doses. For example, local pain that has been vaccinated, general muscle aches and malaise, fever, and chills.

As of May 16, the Tulsa Department of Health has been receiving more than 122,311 COVID-19 vaccines in accordance with the Oklahoma Immunization Information System (OSIIS).

The COVID-19 vaccine is available at the Tulsa Health Department at: Each clinic offers the option to choose between Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, or Johnson & Johnson vaccines. More information on the location of the Tulsa County Vaccine Clinic can be found at the following URL: You need to wear a mask. Persons under the age of 17 need the presence of a parent or guardian to consent to vaccination.

  • James O. Goodwin Health Center | 5051 S. 129 E. Ave., Tulsa, OK
  • Central Regional Health Center | 315 S. Utica, Tulsa, OK
  • North Regional Health and Wellness Center | 5635 N. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, Tulsa OK
  • Sand Springs Health Center | 306 E. Broadway, Sand Springs, OK

Tulsa Community College Northeast Campus Community Vaccination Center, 3727 E Apache St accepts carry-on without reservation. The center is open Tuesday through Sunday from 10 am to 7 pm and only offers the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.

Individuals can also contact their local health department, private health care provider, or pharmacy to schedule repeated doses.

More information on the location of the Tulsa County Vaccine Clinic can be found at the following URL: THD will continue to provide sample collection for the COVID-19 test on a reservation basis.Can schedule Schedule online.. To talk to a public health professional, call 918-582-9355. For more information on COVID-19, please visit:

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