How the stigma of schizophrenia is more difficult than the condition
At the age of 28, Phoebe was diagnosed with schizophrenia and remembers the medical advice she received at the time as “traumatic” and “painful.”
“I was advised not to try to get a degree because of stress. [I was told] It’s dangerous and I may end up with more hospitalizations, “Phoebe said.
“Look back, think,” Wow … I’m doing everything right now. I’m actually doing everything. “
Fourteen years later, Phoebe is an advocate of the mental health organization SANE Australia and has done several jobs.
She also has a happy marriage as a mother of a 4-year-old boy and spends her free time volunteering.
“I think there is this view that we are always struggling and just trying to survive, but there are many regularities in my life that are very similar to others,” she says. I did. feed..
May 24th is World Schizophrenia Day. Schizophrenia is a complex mental health problem that affects about 20 million people worldwide, according to a SANE spokeswoman.
According to estimates from the 2010 National Psychosis Survey, 64,000 Australians aged 18-64 (about 0.5% of the population) experienced mental illness and were in contact with mental health services each year.
SANE spokesman said feed Schizophrenia “can cause a period of time when people lose contact with reality.”
“Symptoms of schizophrenia can include hallucinations, delusions, abnormal or confused speech, chaotic behavior, low energy, low motivation, or lack of emotional expression,” said a spokesman. ..
“These symptoms cause serious problems in different areas of a person’s life, such as social conditions, work or school, or daily work such as shopping.”
Phoebe does not agree with the current mental health care offered to people with schizophrenia. She also prefers not to use clinical terminology.
Phoebe presents with some symptoms of schizophrenia, but she believes that the stigma associated with that condition is a much heavier burden.
“I have good days and bad days … When I have a bad day, it’s just more unusual, ununderstood, and can be accompanied by something most people haven’t experienced. “She said.
“Many challenges are, in fact, the pain caused around prejudice, prejudice, and the discrimination I have to overcome.”
In October 2020, SANE Australia National stigma report card Explore stigma and discrimination among Australians with complex mental health problems.
Almost 70% of participants said they were most affected by the stigma in relationships, and 43% said they were most affected by employment.
A SANE spokesman said common misconceptions included the assumption that everyone with schizophrenia would hear or have a “dissociative identity disorder.” It was.
“This is not true, but there is a strong general perception that people experiencing schizophrenia are more likely to be violent,” said a spokesman.
“People living with schizophrenia are more likely to be victims of crime than perpetrators.”
Like Phoebe, Glenn Jarvis was in his late twenties when he was diagnosed with schizophrenia. He worked in London in finance when he suffered from several episodes of mental illness.
His family brought him back to Quenbyan on ACT, where he spent the next two years inside and outside the mental health unit, going back and forth in dosing, agreeing to his condition.
“It was terrible. We did everything from pepper spray to handcuffs to a little roughening,” Glenn said. feed..
“In addition, all delusions and hallucinations can be really annoying.”
In the end, Glenn was released, had no work or money, and had few friends who understood what he had experienced and lived in a supported accommodation.
For Glen, it was “really difficult” at first to regain his life while working on his diagnosis.
He was called by a local bowling club and remembers having a hard time finding a job.
“Many people have a really bad attitude towards people with schizophrenia,” Glenn said.
“Finding a job was really hard … how would you explain to someone what you were doing during the last two years in and out of psychiatry?”
Twenty years later, Glenn is now working part-time as a support worker and is determined to improve the lives of people with mental illness.
“It gave me direction and helped me slow down and appreciate my life more,” he said.
“Maybe I’m living a much richer life than I would have been without schizophrenia.”
For Phoebe, her life is as fulfilling as the life of her friend who has not been diagnosed with mental health.
“I go to parties, dance, get drunk and have a great time like the next person. I did some college studies.”
“If I hadn’t heard that advice and tried anything, my life now would be pretty bland. Now I’m living a wonderful, wonderful life.
“We believe that only when our society is more advanced and accepted will we see the type of society and mental health system we deserve.”
Anyone who needs assistance with schizophrenia or other complex mental health problems has access to SANE support services.
SANE offers telephone and online counseling and referrals from qualified counselors. Call 1800 187 263.
To get peer support, please visit A safe and supportive space managed by medical professionals 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
If you need mental health support, you can also contact Lifeline at 131114 or Beyond Blue at 130022 4636.
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