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The most effective protective mask for the new coronavirus


The new coronavirus epidemic is affecting people and masks are out of stock everywhere. Are you buying the right masks? Does the purchased mask meet the protection standards? What is the protective effect? Can I block the virus? Do you know anything about protective masks? Check the information over the network and make a summary of everyone for reference.
According to experts, like some paper masks, activated carbon masks, cotton masks, sponge masks, due to the insufficient density of the material, the effect of preventing infection is limited, not the first choice. Regular cotton thread masks can block only 36% of bacteria. Medical surgical masks block 70% of bacteria. The medical protective mask (N95 mask) can block 95% of bacteria.
If citizens go to public places and do not come into contact with patients, they can wear medical surgical masks. Medical Surgical Masks and Medical Protective Masks help prevent contamination from blood and body fluid splashes. If you need to prevent contamination of airborne particulate matter and pathogenic microorganisms, you should choose to wear a medical protective mask.
Sort from the highest protection level.
— N95 (medical protective mask)
—Medical surgical mask—General medical mask
— Three other types of masks
Medical surgical masks commonly used in invasive surgical environments such as operating rooms
Only those who meet the medical industry standard YY0469-2011 are called “medical surgical masks”. There is such a small line. Medical surgical masks that implement the standard YY 0469-2011 are commonly used in operating rooms and other environments where there is a risk of fluid and blood splashing. It filters more than 95% of the bacteria while preventing blood or body fluids from passing through the mask, which can contaminate the wearer. However, the filtration efficiency of particles is limited, the design is almost rectangular and there is no adhesion to the face. It’s as tight as a medical protective mask.

Common medical surgical masks are available in ear hook type and strap type.

Normal medical mask
— Disposable general grade medical masks have many names (medical and disposable medicals fall into this category). Medical masks that do not have the word “protective” or “surgical” in their names are regular grade medical masks. At this level, the mask does not have to have a blood-blocking effect and does not have an airtightness requirement, making it a general medical environment.

Most common medical masks in general are earhooks, and their appearance is similar to earhook surgical masks as shown below.

Medical protective mask (N95)
— Highest protection level Compared to medical surgical masks, medical protection masks have a higher protection level. This is a mask “fighter”, but at the same time the price is high.

Suitable for the following situations:
-Contact patients with airborne infections such as tuberculosis-Contact patients with diseases for which it is particularly recommended to use medical protective masks such as plague, highly pathogenic avian influenza and coronavirus
Common shapes include arches and butterflies. See the figure below.

The medical protective mask fits snugly on the wearer’s face, filtering particles in the air, blocking contaminants such as droplets, blood, body fluids, secretions, and filtering 95% of non-oil particles .

In summary, N95 medical protective mask is really effective at blocking viruses.

Medical Protective Mask — N95 Mask Introduction

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N95 respirator is one of nine particulate protection masks certified by NIOSH (National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health). A particulate protective mask generally known as a dust mask.

Dust masks are classified into oil-based dust mask P and non-oil-based dust mask N. Dustproof It is divided into 6 categories according to the original performance and dustproof level: KN90, KN95, KN100, KP90, KP95, KP100. KP type is suitable for preventing oily dust such as paraffin wax and jade oil. “N” means particles that are not oil resistant (smoke from cooking is oily particles, droplets from talking or coughing are not oily); “95” is NIOSH standard Filtering under the test conditions specified in. The efficiency reaches 95%.

N95 medical protective mask. The outer material has the function of preventing the splashing and penetration of pressurized body fluids. At the time of purchase, you must choose a nationally certified dust mask. (LA certified, you can contact the Special Occupational Protection Product Safety Sign Control Center), while meeting the NIOSH requirements, you must also meet the GB19083-2010 medical requirements.

The U.S. Department of Labor recommends that healthcare professionals use N95 masks to prevent airborne illness caused by microorganisms such as influenza and tuberculosis. Taking coronavirus 2019-nCoV as an example, the average diameter is about 100 nm, or, the propagating carrier such as the diameter of the droplet is about 1-5um, and the N95 mask has a filter effect of 0.3um. there is. Non-oil particles ≥95%, filtration efficiency 95% or more. The N95 mask can achieve effective filtration.

Is N95 mask with valve good?

In an interview, Wang Yuedan, a professor of immunology at Peking University School of Medicine, said using a mask with a vent valve to prevent this coronavirus is not recommended because the virus can collect locally. If the valved mask gets wet with exhaled breath or saliva, it is much less effective at blocking bacteria. Therefore, it is advisable to prepare some masks for replacement.

The mask with the vent valve should be replaced and cleaned once a day. When washing, burn with boiling water for 5 minutes. The valve mask should be cleaned and disinfected daily. Both the gauze mask and the air filter mask can be disinfected by heating. The specific approach is as follows: 1. Cleaning. First, lightly rub the gauze mask with warm water and soap. The bowl-shaped mask can be gently brushed with a soft brush soaked in detergent and then washed with water. Be careful not to rub it strongly as the gauze will lose its water drop prevention effect if it is too large. 2. Disinfect. Place the washed mask in a 2% peracetic acid solution for 30 minutes, boil in boiling water for 20 minutes, or steam in a steamer for 15 minutes and let dry. This method is suitable for gauze masks and bowl masks. 3. Check. You must carefully check the mask and whether it is still damaged before using it again. For gauze masks and masks, the light transmission inspection method can be used. That is, look in front of the lamp to see if there is a clear light spot. Is the rate constant? If in doubt, replace it with a new one.

In each case, the mask and mask are usually renewed after 3 to 7 washes, especially the good quality masks can be washed 10 times. Activated carbon adsorption masks require care to be replaced on a regular basis. If the activated carbon middle layer cannot be replaced, it will be replaced after 7 to 14 days. This mask cannot be cleaned and reused.

N95 mask wearing time

The protective effect of any type of mask is time sensitive and should be changed regularly. It is currently in a special period. It is repeatedly recollected in many popular science videos on wearing masks. Do not reuse the mask. It is recommended to change the mask every 2-4 hours. If the mask is contaminated, it should be replaced as soon as possible. N95 series masks can be extended for up to 8 hours, including continuous or intermittent use. Research conducted by Du Jian and others. Among the Beijing Tuberculosis and Breast Cancer Research Centers, it has been shown that the filtration efficiency of medical protective masks gradually decreases with extended use time. The average filtration efficiency on day 3 was 94.7%. Efficiency drops to 92.0%. Filtration efficiency exceeds 80.0% (80.6%) even after 14 business days

When should I wear an N95 mask

When going to a hospital to see a doctor or visiting a patient, especially when going to a fever clinic or a respiratory department in a hospital, in a crowded place such as a supermarket, a shopping mall, or a theater. There are fever, cough, runny nose, etc. to prevent the spread of the disease to others. You should wear a mask that matches the symptoms of your respiratory illness. Masks are recommended for outdoor activities in the mist.

What should I do if I remove the mask?

We recommend that you prepare a plastic bag for unused masks. Exposed masks that touch clothing or anything else increase the risk of infection.

When removing the mask, do not touch the outside of the mask. Remember to wash your hands immediately after removing the mask.
Do not reuse disposable medical masks as much as possible. If the mask breaks or becomes dirty, you need to replace it with a new one immediately.

Given the current situation, the general public cannot determine if they were exposed to the new coronavirus when they went out. Following the principle of prudence, it is recommended that used masks be kept individually in a sealed bag, such as a plastic bag, for maximum public health and wellness protection.

Household mask waste should be bagged to avoid cross-contamination. At elevated temperatures, 75% medical grade alcohol can kill the new coronavirus. We recommend using alcohol spray to sterilize and seal the bag before discarding.

Regarding the period during which the virus-contaminated mask is still capable of infecting, the relevant virus experts say that the new coronavirus is an RNA virus, and the survival time of RNA viruses in the air ranges from hours to days. It is not limited. .

Comparison of protection functions of various masks

— Regular cotton masks, various net red mask materials such as cotton, gauze, wool, canvas and velvet are mainly used for heat retention. We do not recommend wearing it as the material itself is not dense enough to prevent infection.

— General protective mask with breathing valve The exhalation valve is used to prevent dust and fumes, but it cannot be used to prevent respiratory infections.

— Disposable medical masks Under normal circumstances, disposable medical masks can be used in crowded areas.

— Medical surgical masks provide some protection against respiratory infections. Please note that this is a medical surgical mask, not a regular protective cleaning mask. It is recommended to use a medical surgical mask when going to a fever clinic or respiratory department in a hospital or when contacting a patient with a respiratory illness.

—Medical Protective Masks Compared to medical surgical masks, medical protective masks have a higher level of protection and the N95 medical protective mask is a “fighter” for masks, but at the same time the price is higher.

Suitable for the following situations: Contact with airborne patients such as tuberculosis patients.

Contact patients with illnesses where the use of medical protective masks is particularly recommended for the protection of plague, highly pathogenic avian influenza, coronavirus, etc.

Can you compare the protection features of the masks above to see if you have bought the antivirus mask you bought correctly?

Related content for medical protective masks is shared here. Hope it helps everyone.

Buy more protective masks

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