If you had a year to check for ticks, this is it
Watch out for ticks.
That’s the message John Oliver of the University of Minnesota School of Public Health sent to the Minnesota people this year.
In the Q & A posted on the university website “2021 is becoming a bad year for tickets,” Oliver said on May 20.
“Many adult deer ticks (black-footed mites) were active in early spring, which may correspond to high levels of activity among very small immature mites,” Oliver said. Said.
Those immature mites, also known as nymphs, should be watched. They are considered to be at risk of more illness because they are smaller and less noticeable, which allows them to adhere and feed longer, says Oliver.
The longer the ticks are attached, the more likely the tick-carrying bacteria will enter the body, which can lead to Lyme disease and other less common tick-borne diseases.
Oliver says it usually takes “a few hours” for bacteria to enter the body after the ticks have attached.
There are dozens of mites in Minnesota, but only three are known to cause disease. Minnesota Health Department (MDH) says.. they are:
- Black-footed mites (also known as deer ticks) are the result of most of Minnesota’s tick-borne diseases, including Lyme disease.
- The American dog tick (also known as the wood tick), the most common tick that bites humans, can spread Rocky Mountain spotted fever and tularemia, but rarely causes the disease.
- Ticks are rare in Minnesota, but they can spread diseases such as ehrlichiosis and tularemia.
According to MDH, deer ticks usually attach to humans and pets and feed for 3 to 5 days. Before the spread of Lyme disease, it must be infected with the pathogen and attached for 24-48 hours. MDH states that other less common tick-borne diseases can spread in a shorter period of time.
Relation [May 25]: A boy in Minnesota diagnosed with a rare tick-borne disease
On average, about one-third of adult deer ticks and one-fifth of deer tick larvae (immature mites) are infected with the bacteria that cause Lyme disease, according to MDH.
Oliver recommends a daily tick check. This greatly reduces the chance of getting Lyme disease even if you are bitten by a tick. Especially when spending time in places where mites want to go home, for example, in wooded brushed areas with rats, deer and other mammals (these habitats provide the humidity needed for mites to survive). Offers).
Dry means that there are few mites
But there is some good news. Oliver says that dry weather and drought conditions limit the activity of mites and reduce their population, especially the humid deer ticks.
Drought monitor in the United States As of May 25 Many of the states are unusually dry, while southern Minnesota and parts of northwestern Minnesota have been hit by moderate droughts. (Note: Drought levels do not include data for Thursdays when it rained most of the day.)
“In some of the states with very dry seasons, ticks could be low later this year,” Oliver said.
Lyme disease in Minnesota
In Minnesota, new cases of Lyme disease have been increasing over the years, the Ministry of Health said.
The median number of cases reported between 2000 and 2008 was 913, while the median number of cases reported between 2009 and 2017 was 1,203.
The signs and symptoms of the disease vary and appear in stages. A bullseye rash that usually begins with a small red ridge, appears 3 to 30 days after infection, and spreads slowly. Mayo Clinic says..
Subsequent signs and symptoms of Lyme disease include joint pain and swelling attacks that can affect the knee. Then, years later, people can develop neurological problems.
There are cures for Lyme disease, but the sooner you start, the more effective it is.
Tick prevention
In addition to daily tick checks when spending time in forested and grassy areas, there are other precautions that people can take to prevent ticks and the diseases they carry, Oliver said, “tick-borne disease. Is easier to prevent than cure. “
According to health officials, there are several things you can do to prevent mites.
- Wear insect repellent containing DEET
- Wear long trousers and long sleeves when you are in a wooded or grassy area. And check your clothes and gear before getting inside, in case a tick gets caught in a vehicle.
- Rotate dry clothing and gear over high heat for at least 10 minutes to kill the deer ticks. If your clothes or gear are wet, increase the time in the dryer.
- If you spend a lot of time in a tick habitat, handle a set of clothing or buy a set of permethrin that repels ticks (don’t put this on your skin).
- Protect your pet from ticks using topical or oral treatment or a tick prevention collar (contact your veterinarian). The Lyme disease vaccine is also approved to protect pets from the disease.
- Daily tick checks to quickly find and remove ticks that may have found you or your pet.
If you find a tick biting you, use tweezers to grab the tick at the mouth that goes into your skin and pull it straight out. Next, pay attention to your mood. If you experience symptoms like a rash or the flu, contact your doctor and tell them that you have been bitten by a tick, Oliver says.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention There are other tips to prevent mites from biting you and your pet and to prevent mites from living in your yard.
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