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Mississippians supplement COVID’s plans changed last year


Jackson, Miss (AP) — Gregory was planning to go to Paris last summer.

Molly Gregory was at the forefront of the journey. She booked a flight for a family of four living in Belhaven. Those who know French have brushed up their conjugations and pronunciation. That would have been what the family needed.

However, the president closed the border as COVID-19 spread rapidly throughout France last March. When the pandemic hit the world, airlines worked on safety measures. And Mississippi was beginning to see an increase in incidents.

Gregory’s journey had to wait.

Larry Gregory, Executive Director of the Mississippi Gaming and Hospitality Association, said:

For Mississippian cultures like Gregoris, pandemics have devastated travel plans. It also closes restaurants, closes public pools, recreates summer camps, and keeps many people trapped in their homes thinking about where to go and what to do. However, for some, the quarantine period and the obligation to keep them inside with their families was reassuring.

As June approaches, Mississippian culture is ready to return to a new state of affairs.

Brandon’s Leah Ochoa, 49

On Wednesday afternoon, outside Flowwood’s Very Very Good Yogurt, Luca Kinones (4 years old) and Leo Kinyones (2 years old) with a bowl of frozen dessert laughed and chatted with their grandmother and mother.

Their grandmother, Brandon’s Leah Ochoa, was unable to go to South Carolina to visit them because the pandemic forced the airline to stop the flight.

However, Ochoa, a Spanish teacher at Pearl High School, spends a month chasing his grandchildren around the beach, Brandon and Flowwood to make up for the lost time.

She will soon be packing for a trip to Peru that she had to see off last year.

Janella Kinones, 31, is a mental health counselor in the Mental Health Division of South Carolina. She encourages people to be vaccinated while her children are with her grandmother.

“Last summer it was difficult for us all to know how we all had to practice quarantine and social distance, or even go out, so thank you for what we can do this summer. I’m doing it, “she said.

Taking a break from frozen yogurt, Luca Kinones piped.

“Mom, I also made a plan,” he said. “swimming!”

Jackson’s Joshua Dedmond, 33

On Wednesday night, 3-year-old Maddox Ravine Dedmond is free to run around Laurel Street Park in Belhaven.

At some point, COVID-19 was so prevalent in the city that the park was off limits. Now she goes from the swing to the open field and back again.

Her father, Jackson’s Joshua Dedmond, said Maddox knew she still needed to keep the virus unfinished. She doesn’t know the details of the coronavirus, but Maddox is ready to have a bigger 4th birthday party in August. This time, her church and school friends are there.

Last summer’s restrictions weren’t the only turbulence, said Dedmond, a southern regional organizer of the labor network for sustainability. Citizens’ anxiety after police killed George Floyd on May 25, 2020 added to the intensity people were experiencing.

For Dedmond, spending time at home with his family was a coveted amnesty.

Maddox and her father are ready to go home, but even in the park, Dedmond reminds his daughter that it’s still unsafe to use the fountain. He is cautiously optimistic.

“I don’t think the pandemic has disappeared,” he said. “Still mask up. Still, do your best to be as safe as possible.”

JUMOKE CASON, 22 years old, JAMAR CASON, 19 years old, Pearl

Jamar Cason collected a high school diploma last summer. Proud of his achievements, his family planned to celebrate on a cruise.

By March 2020, Casons’ sea adventure must wait.

The Cruise Lines International Association, an industry-leading trade association, has announced that it will temporarily suspend the operation of vessels departing from the United States. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has also issued a “no departure” order.

Like many Mississippian people, the JumokeCason and JamarCason brothers were stuck at home because the trip was cancelled.

“I mean a lot of people really couldn’t do anything,” said Junoke Cason. “I’m sure a lot of people are trying to do what they want to do last summer, this summer.”

Jumoke Cason, who works from home, said another virus outbreak could occur if people weren’t safe during this summer’s trip.

While many cruise ships are still waiting for the green light to depart, the completely empty Jumoke Kason said he wants to go to California with his friends. For Jamar Cason, this summer is about focusing on yourself, spending time exercising and getting a job.

“Now that things are open, people are starting to become more sociable, and as you know, I think humans are prospering from their interactions with other humans,” said Jamar Cason. ..

Bell Haven LARRY GREGORY, 62 years old

Gregoris wasn’t stagnant, even though a trip to Paris was pulled from under them.

After waiting a few weeks for refills, they bought a bike and went to a nearby street. It was the silver lining of Larry Gregory, who ran around with flowers and nature and remembered the ride, as a beauty in the darkness of a pandemic.

That summer, my wife Molly Gregory, who had never seriously brushed the canvas, began painting. Almost a year later, she found a niche in abstract painting and turned her hobby into a business.

Gregory is still riding a bicycle. Molly Gregory still sells her paintings. And they are preparing to head west towards Yellowstone National Park, Grand Teton National Park, and the Black Hills National Forest by midsummer.

Not in Paris, but for now it’s an adventure that requires a plane ticket.

“We are alive,” he said.

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