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Geisinger Joins Contact Tracking-Coronavirus


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Geisinger officials for Dunnot / Spotlight PAs said a contact tracking program launched in mid-April will help identify potential virus exposures and help prevent further spread. It was.

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To monitor the spread of the COVID-19 virus, Geisinger launched a contact tracking program in mid-April.

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Stakeholders say the program helps identify people who may have been exposed to the virus, which can prevent further spread.

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“Our team is reaching out and letting them know they may be exposed to COVID-19. Gaisinger spokesman Mark Stempka said Hope to listen to health professionals and self-quarantine advice to prevent the spread of.

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Governor Tom Wolf recently said that the federal government would need surveillance and surveillance programs to contain and mitigate the disease before it could resume on May 8. He called for deploying a contact tracking infrastructure to identify cluster outbreaks and issue appropriate quarantine and quarantine orders. Contact tracking has usually been handled by the Pennsylvania Department of Health, which is responsible for 60% of the state’s population and employs 131 people.

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Pennsylvania Health Secretary Rachel Levine said earlier this week that the state is developing a “robust method” for contact tracking. She outlined the plan. And it will be guided by public health nurses, county and municipal departments, private health systems and new employees and volunteers.

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Allegheny, Bucks, Chester, Erie, Montgomery, and Philadelphia counties have their own health departments and contact tracers, as do Allentown, Bethlehem, Wilkes-Barre, and York cities.

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While Geisinger is implementing the program, the Lehigh Valley Health Network has no such plans at this time.

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“Whenever someone tested positive for COVID-19 on the Geisinger test site, I asked the person who had been in close contact with them for the past few days,” said Chief Quality Officer of the Geising Initiative for Population. Said one Keith Bell. “Then we’ll contact the individuals we’ve identified and let them know that they may have been infected with a coronavirus.”

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The staff does not reveal the name of the COVID-19 person, but does educate the call recipient about necessary steps, such as self-quarantine.

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Geistinger uses staff already employed to help track contacts and leverages Geiginger employees who are currently accepting relocations to other positions, Stempka said.

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“Contact tracing is expected to continue for the next few months, but despite the program being implemented, encourage everyone to maintain a physical (social) distance to prevent the spread of the virus. We are doing it, “said Stempka.

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Brian Downs, a spokesman for Lehigh Valley Health Network, said contact tracking has not been discussed.

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Downes provided information from a network of infectious disease doctors who noted the following regarding contact tracking and COVID-19 restrictions:

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■ Contact tracking is a tedious process that works best when the infection level of your community is low.

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■ Water can spread from person to person, so contact tracers can try to find people who are close to strangers. For example, compare this to tracking contacts for sexually transmitted infections, which tend to contain a much smaller list of contacts. Even in the healthcare setting, it can be difficult for a patient to clearly identify who was before getting sick.

It’s a sequel.
■ COVID-19 contact tracking is difficult because some infected individuals do not have symptoms.

It’s a sequel.
Contact the writer: [email protected]


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