How to stop hay fever that keeps children awake when temperatures and pollen levels spike
The allergy season is approaching. The rise in temperature over this Bank Holiday weekend means the time many of us spend outdoors.
Today is likely to be the hottest day ever, with temperatures set to reach 25 degrees Celsius in some parts of the UK.
Experts also warn that British people could be attacked by pollen bombs.
Pollen levels continue to rise, with peak pollen seasons in front of us, according to data from Kleenex Pollen Forecast.
Fine weather is expected to contribute significantly to elevated pollen levels, and for many people suffering from hay fever, high pollen levels can make life difficult.
Children also suffer from hay fever and can be frustrated when they experience itchy eyes and runny nose caused by an increase in pollen present in the air.
Hot weather can advance the major pollen season-when the majority of hay fever patients are attacked.
Hay heat can also interfere with sleep, making it difficult to survive summer nights. Especially for children.
Expert SleepSeeker Revealed their top tips to help your child fall asleep.
1.1. Purify the air
According to experts, using an air purifier in the bedroom during the day can keep the room clean at night.
It also removes nasty pollen, mites and viruses from your home. This is a great way to free your home from all the hassle.
Pollen forecaster Dr Beverley-Adams Groom, on behalf of Clarityn, explains: “If possible, have a room in your house that can be stored as a pollen-free sanctuary.
“This keeps doors and windows closed, runs an air purifier, vacuums regularly, dusts off, keeps you out of the room with your clothes on, and fur. It means that you don’t put in pets that can collect pollen. “
Areas with high pollen predictions:
London: 277 PPM
Belfast: 285 PPM
Bristol: 267 PPM
Leeds: 272 PPM
Lester: 289 PPM
Liverpool: 290 PPM
Manchester: 281 PPM
Nottingham: 288 PPM
2.2. Close doors and windows
This helps keep allergens away from the house instead of inflating the bedroom from the outside.
Experts say this will effectively prevent outside pollen and contaminants from being invited to your home.
However, if you’re taking guests home, it’s a good idea to keep the windows open to bleed air to prevent the Covid-19 epidemic.
3.3. Clean their sinuses
According to experts, rinsing the sinuses is a good way to get rid of pollen and dust trapped in the nose.
“Because trapped dirt and pollen can cause irritation and headaches, cleaning the area regularly will help remove excess mucus and remove particles that cause allergies,” they said. I added.
4.4. Sleep in an upright position
Supporting some pillows under their head will keep you upright.
According to experts, this allows drainage from the congestion that can occur during sleep and keeps them happy in the Land of Nod.
5. Clean the bedroom
Experts have stated that allergic particles can adhere to the floor.
To avoid this, the carpet should be cleaned more often or replaced with flooring in a small bedroom.
They added that cleaning soft furniture and dust on the sides would reduce dust and pollen particles.
6. Change the place to dry the laundry
According to experts, it is best to tumble dry if possible, rather than drying the laundry in the warmer months.
This prevents pollen from sticking to clothes outside during drying and helps keep pollen away from the skin.
7. Keep pets away
As long as we love pets, it’s best to keep them out of the children’s bedroom if you are allergic to them.
This is because they often carry pollen and dust mites to your bedroom, which can increase nighttime irritation.
8. Anti-allergic products
Antibacterial products can use anti-tick mites to help people who are suffering from allergic symptoms have a great night’s sleep.
Dr. Beverly doesn’t have to rush to buy up when it comes to treating hay fever. Check it out now and have the right one handy.
“Antihistamines reduce the effects of histamine production. Histamine is released through the nose in response to invading allergens, causing sneezing, swelling, itching and mucus production.
“Some antihistamines on the market (such as loratadine, cetirizine hydrochloride, and acribastin) are non-sedative in the majority of users, but there are several other forms that can cause drowsiness. There are also nasal drops, barrier creams, and sodium cromoglycate eye drops. If you need further advice, be sure to consult your local pharmacist. “
9. Wash before bedtime
A bedtime wash will wash away all pollen from your body and hair that accumulates during the day, allowing you to get a good night’s sleep without being disturbed.
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