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Amid growing fears on June 21, the hotspot for the Covid variant is the “explosive volcano.”


Volcanoes are seeing an increase in cases of coronavirus, and top doctors warned today that they could explode and spread the disease nationwide.

Experts are trapped in negotiations as fears that the mitigation planned for June 21, called Freedom Day, could be upset by the surge in infections caused by Indian variants. I will.

Dr. Lisa Spencer, Honorary Secretary of the British Thoracic Society, told the BBC: These are the areas where the first identified variants in India are likely to cause the majority of infections and spread rapidly.

“These parts of the country represent minicovid volcanoes, which is the problem.

“If these volcanoes are not treated carefully, they can explode and send large amounts of gas plumes to far more parts of the UK.

“Obviously, we are trying to control those volcanoes and stop their overheating. If necessary, vaccination protection rings, Covid restrictions, face masks, social distances, and of course tests and traces. Surround them with a ring of water composed of water leaks, shortages and overheating of the volcano.

“We are currently working on the NHS, but overheating these areas can still cause serious problems with the NHS.”

Dr. Adrian Boyle, Vice-President of the Royal College of Emergency Medicine, warned that the UK is facing “a complete storm in hospitals just because it is not fully competent.”

Relaxing the restrictions “could be like putting some of these little hospitals into a really very dire situation,” he told Times Radio.

He warned that infection control measures were hindering attempts to restore the hospital to normal.

“Historically, there are many open bays in the way hospitals are designed in the UK, and many hospitals are currently at a stage where they cannot revert to their pre-Covid configuration.

People queuing vaccines in Twickenham yesterday-one of many
People queuing vaccines in Twickenham yesterday-one of many “population” areas
(Image: PA)

“We don’t have a lot of siderooms and it’s really dangerous to infect an infectious person, and when you have something contagious like Covid,” he says. I did.

“Putting people next to each other is desperately dangerous and wrong.”

Dr. Chaand Nagpaul, Chairman of the British Medical Association Council, called on the government to “act with the utmost care when considering whether to lift the restrictions on June 21st.”

“We can’t afford to repeat the mistakes of the past, which will result in higher levels of serious illness and loss of life, including putting pressure on our overgrown NHS,” he said. Told.

“The government needs to postpone the final decision on whether the lockdown will be lifted completely on June 21 until the latest data can be scientifically reviewed. The prime minister is” data, not date. ” I promised to be led to. This commitment.

People are enjoying the sunny Cleethorpes beach on Bank Holiday in May yesterday Monday
People are enjoying the sunny Cleethorpes beach on Bank Holiday in May yesterday Monday
(Image: Katie Pew)

“We are at a crucial moment in the fight against the virus in the UK, and the date of June 21 means the end of all legal regulations, allowing the normal social mix of people.

“But since the roadmap was released, we’ve seen the emergence of new highly infectious variants and a significant increase in cases. Last week, we saw a reversal of the downtrend with increased hospitalizations and mortality. I did.

“At the same time, we know that a second dose of vaccine is important for controlling the spread of new mutants.

“The premature termination of all legal regulations that subsequently led to the proliferation of infectious diseases undermines the efforts of our medical services to address the highest levels of untreated care ever faced. Let’s do it.

“It will also add to the demands of staff who are mentally and physically exhausted.”

Hospots like Bolton in the photo are in the limelight
Hospots like Bolton in the photo are in the limelight
(Image: AFP via Getty Images)

Tory Minister Paul Scully refused to say whether he thinks the June 21 easing of the blockade will take place as planned.

He told LBC Radio: You need to be careful. No decision has been made. Make decisions only based on the latest and most accurate data. “

He added: “I’m not overwhelmed at this point, but I’m looking forward to what will happen in the coming weeks and months from a modeling perspective, based on the data.

“We know that as the number of cases increased, so did the hospitalizations so far.

“But vaccination advances are still going on, with 63 million vaccinations being a huge success, which will help us win this race.”


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