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Mutant mosquitoes carrying the “death gene” are released as “bioengineered” insects


Mutant mosquitoes carrying the “death gene” were released into the sky to prevent the disease from spreading to humans.

In Florida Keys, USA, tens of thousands of genetically modified male insects mate with female Aedes aegypti, which carries the disease.

Males do not chew, but carry a gene that kills female offspring in the early stages of larvae.

The pilot project aims to wipe out generations of potential illness carriers.

Scientists say that the usual methods of stopping the spread of mosquito disease are less effective due to resistance.

However, critics have accused the program of being “used as a guinea pig in science fiction experiments,” the Times reported.

Florida Keys is where the trial takes place
This program is being implemented in the United States
(Image: Getty Images)

“The release of genetically engineered mosquitoes puts Floridian, the environment and endangered species at risk,” said Dana Perls, Food and Technology Program Manager at Friends of the Earth.

According to the Florida Keys Mosquito Control District, this species accounts for about 4% of the mosquito population in the area.

But it is behind almost all mosquito-borne infections that are transmitted to humans in the area.

Aiming to eradicate mosquito-borne diseases
Female offspring die in pilot program
(Image: Getty Images / Johnner RF)

The district is leading the program.

UK-based biotechnology company Oxitec produced eggs and sent them to the United States.

Dr. Nathan Rose, who is responsible for the company’s regulatory issues, said:

“These mosquitoes are a viable solution.”

Florida Keys, a tropical island off the south coast of Florida, reported 65 local cases of dengue fever last year.

Tens of thousands let go
Tens of thousands of mosquitoes were released
(Image: Getty Images / iStockphoto)

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Dr. Rose said it was the second time in 10 years that he had recorded a “significant” number of cases.

According to, insects have previously been tested in Brazil, Panama, Malaysia and the Cayman Islands. Nature..

Researchers return eggs to three areas of the key in April, and it is expected that approximately 12,000 males will appear each week for 12 weeks.

In the second phase of the program later this year, nearly 20 million mosquitoes will emerge over a 16-week period.

Anthony James, a molecular biologist at the University of California, said it was a “big deal” for the company to be able to conduct tests in the United States.


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