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DIY test kits are a useful tool in the battle of Covid-19, but experts have expressed concern.


The DIY Covid-19 test kit is so easy to use and convenient that it will be a useful tool for fighting the coronavirus in Singapore’s arsenal, experts said yesterday.

However, experts will also flag areas of concern, such as inadequate declaration of results, and authorities will regulate such kits and integrate them into the government’s health system. Some people suggest.

DIY tests already in use in South Korea, the United States, Europe and elsewhere will soon be available in Singapore pharmacies, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said Monday. He added that they are easy to use and not as unpleasant as the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test.

DIY tests act like the Antigen Rapid Test (ART), which is often used in pre-event tests. ART (and most DIY tests currently available abroad) returns results in about 30 minutes, but is less accurate than a PCR test, which usually takes a day or two to process.

The Ministry of Health told The Straits Times that it is currently in talks with relevant agencies and partners to implement an over-the-counter ART kit and will provide more information as it becomes ready.

Paul Tambia, an infectious disease expert and chairman of the Asia Pacific Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Association, can use it at home, if you need to travel somewhere in an emergency, or have regular PCR tests. No, ART is not possible.

“These are essentially ART removals … Many US airlines accept home test results, and companies regularly give their employees until vaccination is complete. You can also have them inspected. “

Dr. Leong Hoe Nam, an infectious disease expert at Rophi Clinic, said DIY testing is easy and can be done almost like a pregnancy test kit.

“It’s much cheaper, at a cost of $ 15 to $ 20 per day. It removes testing complexity and empowers consumers,” he said.

By comparison, PCR testing costs about $ 150 to $ 200, while ART costs only $ 10.

The convenience that DIY kits offer is that companies that want to reassure their customers and employees at high risk of being exposed to the virus want to reassure their families, Rophi’s infectious disease doctor Lynn Lee. Dr. Min said. Clinic.

  • Home kits used in other countries

  • Cheaper, faster, and less invasive home kits for the Covid-19 test are already approved for sale in many countries. They are not as accurate as the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test. Taking a DIY test is only the first step, and any positive results should be confirmed with a gold standard PCR test performed by a healthcare professional in the medical setting. Here, let’s take a look at the two main types of tests available in stores and where they are currently available.

    Antigen rapid test (ART)

    Test target: A protein made by a virus, not the virus itself. It detects virus activity, or infectivity. People infected with Covid-19, even asymptomatic people, are at greatest risk of transferring the virus to others in the first week after infection. This is also the time when testing works best.

    How to use: Use a cotton swab (similar to a cotton swab) to take a sample through the nostrils or throat. Some tests allow saliva to be used instead. To be more accurate, the UK National Health Service recommends one nasal swab and one throat swab for each test.

    Then apply a cotton swab to a specially treated strip or tube. Results are displayed in 15 to 20 minutes.

    reliability: Science reports that most antigen testing sensitivities range from 50% to 90%.

    If available (cost): US (from $ 25 / S $ 33), UK (free from National Health Service), Germany (25 euros / S $ 40.30), China (80 yuan / S $ 16.60), India (250 rupees / S $ 4.50).

    PCR test

    Test target: Traces of coronavirus genetic material on the sample. It requires specific equipment and chemical reagents, which helps identify infections, but its high sensitivity detects dead or inactivated virus debris in people who have recovered from Covid-19. can also do.

    How to use: The user places the nose or throat swab in a tube containing a chemical reagent and then seals it. Saliva samples are allowed for some tests.

    Usually these tests are mailing kits. This means that the test tubes will be sent to the laboratory as priority mail and the results will be available within a day.

    The Lucira test in the United States allows users to connect their vials to a portable device and get results in less than 30 minutes.

    reliability: The accuracy of detecting viruses and avoiding false positives is 90% or higher.

    If available (cost): US (starting at US $ 55 / S $ 73), UK (free from National Health Service), Japan (¥ 4,500 / S $ 54.30).

However, the kit carries some risks, and misadministration can lead to false results.

Dr. Lin emphasized the risk of false negatives. “This means that infected people may think they aren’t infected with the virus, especially if they aren’t symptomatic,” she said, potentially spreading the disease unknowingly. Added.

Experts agreed that the results of such tests should be interpreted with caution.

Professor Tambyah said it could show false positives, so a confirmatory PCR test, the gold standard for Covid-19 testing, is required to confirm the diagnosis.

Experts pointed out that it is dangerous not to declare a positive DIY test, given that infected people can spread the disease.

Professor Tambyah proposed to regulate the sale of such kits in pharmacies and integrate them into Singapore’s national gateway to medical records, prescriptions and clinic appointments for citizens.

“You can close the loop from purchasing the kit to reporting the results before the kit expires,” he said.

In India, users of the CoviSelf DIY test kit need to download the app to use the kit. The app is synced with the test results and the test results are entered directly into the reports on the Indian Council of Medical Research portal.

Dr. Leon addressed the prejudices surrounding Covid-19 and provided medical assistance as needed, in that some may not report positive test results due to fear of discrimination or hesitation in hospitalization. He said he needed to encourage people to seek.

He and Professor Tambia pointed out similarities with the potential of some human immunodeficiency virus patients to hide their health.

“We need to get rid of the stigma. Being positive about Covid-19 doesn’t mean anything, but some people may face stigma,” said Dr. Leon.

The test is not a substitute for seeing a doctor in case of illness, experts said, stressing that anyone with symptoms of illness or Covid-19 should see a doctor. ..

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