The average number of Covid infections and deaths per day has dropped to 15,000 and 447, the lowest total in more than a year.
Daily average Coronavirus Infections and deaths in the United States continue to fall to record lows, and health experts say they are grateful for the declining trend in vaccination.
According to a Johns Hopkins data analysis by, the number of COVID-19 infections reported in the United States on Thursday was 18,991, a 36% decrease from 30,141 recorded two weeks ago.
The daily total is higher than the number recorded on Wednesday, but the 7-day moving average is now 15,045, the lowest since March 29, 2020, when the 7-day average was 13,988.
Currently, the number of infected people per million in the United States is estimated to be 45, and the number of infected people per million reported three weeks ago was 117, a decrease of 61% since March 28, last year. doing. Our world in the data..
The number of deaths from COVID-19 has also declined, with 601 recorded on Thursday, indicating that the number of deaths per day has fallen below 1,000 for the sixth straight day.
The 7-day moving average is currently 447, which is also the first time this number has fallen below 500 since April 1.
In addition, a total of 105,318 cases were reported in seven days from last Thursday to this week, and the number of infected people per week could soon reach five digits in the United States.
According to health experts, the improvement in numbers is due to COVID-19 vaccination, with 63% of adults in the United States receiving at least one vaccination and 52% being fully vaccinated. I am.
On Thursday, the United States recorded 18,991 coronavirus infections, with a 7-day moving average of 15,045, the lowest since March 29, 2020.
Currently, an estimated 45 cases per million people in the United States are 61% less than the 117 cases reported three weeks ago per million people.
A total of 601 deaths were reported on Thursday, with a seven-day moving average of 447, the first time this figure has fallen below 500 since April 1st last year.
Cases of coronavirus occur not only nationwide, but also in former epicenters of the United States, including New York and California.
According to an analysis by the, New York’s 7-day moving average was 473, down 64% from the average of 1,349 recorded on May 21.
What’s more, the Empire State average is the lowest since March 15th last year.
Meanwhile, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said Thursday that new COVID-19 cases were down 95% from January, positive rates were down 91%, and all tests returned positive in only 0.81%. Said there is.
“It’s amazing how much progress has been made,” he told reporters at a press conference.
California is also declining by an average of 933 cases per day, down 25% from 1,246 cases two weeks ago.
The analysis found that the rolling average is slightly higher than the numbers reported in the last few days, but is consistent with the numbers that haven’t been seen since late March last year.
New York recorded a 7-day moving average of 473 cases on Thursday, a 64% decrease from the average of 1,349 cases recorded on May 21.
The 7-day moving average for California was 933 per day, a 25% decrease from the 1,246 reported two weeks ago.
And in Los Angeles County, which once recorded deaths from COVID-19 every eight minutes, a surprisingly small number was seen.
According to Public Health Service data, 228 cases were reported Thursday, with a positive test rate of 0.4%, the lowest ever since the pandemic began.
“Our indicators continue to improve, with cases, hospitalizations and deaths continuing to decline,” said county public health director Barbara Ferrer earlier this week.
“Vaccinations are saving lives. If you haven’t been vaccinated yet, get vaccinated and keep yourself, your friends and family safe. We end this pandemic with vaccinations. I will let you.
Dr. Chris Baylor, a professor of epidemiology at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, said: NBC news The real test is that it will come in the fall, that is, the temperature will drop and more people will gather indoors.
However, he does not believe that the increase in fall 2021 or winter 2022 reflects the surge last year when the number of infected people per day reached a record high of 300,000.
He said this is because the vaccine has been shown not only to prevent illness, but also to prevent serious illness in a small number of people who get sick.
“We need to get as much coverage as possible with these great vaccines, because that’s the key to whether there’s an outbreak and infection next fall,” Byler told NBC News.
Health professionals say that the number of vaccinations has decreased, with 50.9% of the U.S. population, including children over the age of 12, receiving at least one COVID-19 vaccination and 41.2% receiving a series of vaccinations. I think it’s done.
President Joe Biden’s goal is to vaccinate 70% of US adults at least once by July 4, with an average daily vaccination rate of 300 per day in April. It decreased from more than 10,000 times to less than 1.5 million times in June.
According to CDC data, 50.9% of the population, including children over the age of 12, have been vaccinated at least once, and 41.2% have completed a series of vaccines.
President Joe Biden has set a goal of giving 70% of adults at least one shot by July 4.
However, this has proven difficult, as daily vaccinations have dropped from an average of 3 million per day in April to less than 1.5 million today.
As of Friday, only 12 states in the United States have received at least one coronavirus vaccine in 70% of the adult population.
Nine states are in the northeast, Connecticut, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Vermont, and three in the west: California, Hawaii, and New Mexico. There are only states.
To encourage more residents to be vaccinated, some governors have announced lottery tickets with high prizes, and private companies have announced free groceries and giveaways such as vacations to the Bahamas.
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