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Intuitive exercise, body image, intuitive diet discovery

Intuitive exercise, body image, intuitive diet discovery


We are told to listen to our bodies. It also applies to your body, exercise and diet. Intuitive trainer Julie Newbury shares tips on how to achieve that.

Why Julie tackles with an intuitive approach to diet, exercise and body:

The first memory she made fun of about her weight was that she started her first diet at the age of five, developed an eating disorder by the age of 16, and fought for nearly 20 years. During her recovery, she learned about an intuitive diet. Julie learned that she doesn’t have to spend her life hating her body, eating chaotically, punishing herself with exercise, and always trying to get the perfect body. She begins to focus on health-promoting behaviors, seeing her body as an ally rather than her worth, exercising to feel good and taking care of her, rather than forcing her. I tried to keep my body in a natural weight range. She kept her diet, exercise, and body peaceful, and her life was richer and richer than ever. Julie’s story is nothing special as long as many people can sympathize with these struggles. She currently works as a personal trainer, body image coach, and intuitive dietary counselor. We want people to know that there are other ways to approach health and there are other ways to look at the purpose of the body.

What is an intuitive meal?

Most people know the struggle to lose weight and maintain on a diet. For many, this is a lifelong struggle that often leads to adverse health effects, negative body image, and stressful relationships with diet and exercise. An intuitive diet is an alternative to this struggle. An intuitive diet is a science-based diet that focuses on a holistic approach to health, helping to make food and the body peaceful, removing stress, shame, and anxiety from the diet, self-care and Focuses on self-control. Created by two registered nutritionists in 1995, more than 125 studies have been conducted. Ten key principles help individuals manage thought patterns, disabilities, and rules that can increase their receptive consciousness and impede their ability to adapt to their physical and psychological needs.

It’s not a diet, but it’s a way to stop focusing on extrinsic consequences and focus on your mood and quality of life.

What does it mean to exercise intuitively?

Intuitive exercise, like an intuitive diet, is a way of moving the body that prioritizes intrinsic motivation, physical cues, quality of life, and overall well-being. It allows you to find ways to enjoy and improve your quality of life, rather than just exercising to free you, earn food, burn calories and lose weight. Link exercise to weight loss. That is common. Focus on exercise only when you are actively on a diet. Do only the exercises that burn the most calories. In most cases this is not long-term sustainable. When the scale gets stuck, most people get stuck and go unnoticed to take advantage of all the health benefits of exercising, whether or not the scale changes. Intuitive exercise allows you to focus on non-appearance goals such as 5k running, push-ups, chronic pain relief, endurance building, flexibility, and strength building. By looking at these improvements, you can see that health marker values ​​such as blood pressure and cholesterol, sleep quality, ease of normal daily activities, less stress and anxiety, and improved overall well-being. , You can track the progress. Studies have shown that people who exercise for these reasons have a better body image. They learn to understand how their bodies help them do their jobs and pay less attention to their appearance.

How can you improve your physical image?

For most people, it may seem impossible to love their body. Can you aim to keep your body neutral? Or maybe you are respecting your body. To “fix” our body is not to fix the image of our body. You may feel better temporarily, but eventually you will find another “defect” to fix, regaining your weight loss, or changing your body several times in your life. It becomes very difficult to maintain an ideal youthful and slim body. Our culture celebrates. Can you change your view of your body’s goals instead? Is it because it’s attractive to others, or is it because you accomplish tasks, experience things, and connect with others? To help you lead a fulfilling and meaningful life? If you can see your body as an ally rather than an enemy, you can respect and care for your body. You can see all the great ways it supports and tells you, you are less critical of your body, our cultural message about what your body should look like, and specifics You can start to become more critical about the hierarchy in which you place your body shape, as it is more valuable and valuable than others. You will know that you are here and your body is worth it and deserves care.

Easy little steps viewers can take today:

If this approach to food and body is intriguing to you, there are a few things you can start right away to move in that direction. Buy an Intuitive Eating book and download an episode of an intuitive dietary podcast. You can write down a mantra that reminds you that your body is a friend and a good one, remove one dietary rule, and add one restricted food. Make a note of how punishing your diet and exercise can have a negative impact on your life, and what you think you can get by focusing on an intuitive diet and exercise to make you feel better.

Additional resources:

Intuitive Eating books and workbooks by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch, intuitive diet and anti-diet podcasts, intuitive diet, anti-diet social media accounts.

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