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Be careful of newly vaccinated travelers.Drug-resistant super bugs may be lurking in the intestines


Washington: Newly vaccinated Traveler If you enjoy traveling abroad, you may find drug-resistant bacteria. “Super resistant bacteriaAccording to a study by Genome Medicine, the vehicle is hooked in the intestines.

Researchers in the United States and the Netherlands studying the effects of travel on bacteria in our stomach found that one-third of subjects traveling to Southeast Asia carry the bacterial gene. I was surprised Tolerant A “last resort” antibiotic for infectious diseases such as pneumonia and meningitis.

“These findings strongly support the risk that international travel will spread antimicrobial resistance to the world.” University of Washington School of Medicine In St. Louis, co-author of a study published this week.

The team investigated the flights of 190 Dutch travelers before and after their trip to parts of the Netherlands. Africa And in Asia, foreign travelers were found to be “reservoirs and spreaders” of drug-resistant superbug.

When travelers returned home, their stool test kits revealed a “significant amount” of antibiotic resistance (AMR) genes that did not respond to commonly used antibiotics.

These drug-resistant “superbug” genes usually occur spontaneously over thousands of years when exposed to antibiotics produced by other bacteria in the environment.

However, human abuse of antibiotics for medical and agricultural purposes is accelerating this process.

The study warns that this trend threatens 70 years of progress in the treatment of bacterial-induced infections.

Researchers have found that resistance genes are “destination-specific” and that certain types are localized to specific regions.

They expressed the greatest concern in their studies of travelers returning from Southeast Asia with the mcr-1 gene, which resists the antibiotic colistin used when other medications fail.

“It’s important to work on AMR in low-income countries with high resistivity and low public health funding,” said D’Souza.

“This global approach not only helps each country, but may also benefit other countries by reducing the international spread of resistance genes.”

The authors conclude that understanding how these genes spread will help international public health interventions, especially in low- and middle-income countries.

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The biggest humanitarian crisis

The world stagnated due to the spread of the new coronavirus. The outbreak of COVID-19, with more than 471,794 positive cases and 21,297 deaths, is causing global panic. In addition to China, the epicenter of the outbreak, Italy, Iran and the United States are the worst victims.

As the phrase suggests, the rumored factory is working overtime, saying “the street is talking.” Some skeptics and Tin Foil Hat owners speculate that there are many coronavirus conspiracy theories on the Internet.

Here are some of the most chilling, eerie and horrifying conspiracy theories surrounding COVID-19.


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