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A woman in flight with a Covid-19 case contacted by a follow-up team four and a half weeks later | 1 News


Four and a half weeks after she contacted the confirmed Covid-19 case, she was eventually contacted by the Department of Health’s follow-up team.

Charlotte Cook’s

She made a regional flight on March 17 and developed respiratory virus symptoms 10 days later.

A woman who agreed that RNZ wouldn’t say her name said she was like never before.

“My lungs started to burn, I didn’t have the usual flu symptoms. I had it a little later, but it just didn’t affect my lungs that way .

“After that, my cough started to cough and I started to feel pain, I had the virus every day, I felt like my chest was getting heavier when I was overweight, and my breathing was a bit difficult,” she said. .

She called Healthline when she had a fever, but she refused the test because she had no contact with the confirmed case and the follow-up team had not contacted him to suggest another way.

“I tried again and told them they were rejected because I was on a regional flight with an international.”

She got sick and was going to the hospital, but instead looking into older media releases, flights from March 17 were listed as having confirmed the Covid-19 case. .

The man flew from Barcelona before traveling to the area.

She found a story that the health officer of the district health committee said would contact close contacts from international flights.

“I didn’t actually pick up at that time, they just contact to track the international flight.

“And they didn’t even care that he called in a squadron in the area he was in contact with on the same day, and thought it was pretty poor.”

At this stage, more than two weeks had passed since she flew, with no contact from the Department of Health or the tracking team.

She was able to undergo tests after proving to be on board in confirmed cases.

The results returned negative, but she was probably the case for Covid-19 because she was told there were many false negatives.

The woman was asked to come back a week later for retesting, but when she did it, her condition had recovered and she was rejected.

During this time, she was still showing symptoms of Covid-19, allowing her to enter a medical center despite the protest.

Center staff said negative test results meant she could come.

Four and a half weeks after a regional flight she contacted a Covid-19 man, the Department of Health’s contact tracking team called her.

“[They] I advised me that I was in contact with Covid victims on March 17th.

“This is more than a month old and after that I encouraged me to go, have a test and ring my health line.

“I thought I was a little late.

“I called the health line faithfully as I was told, and they said it was too late.”

She described the whole situation as “incompetent silence”.

“I have to admit. My reaction was not to do it in a bad way, just to laugh at the chase officer, but just to laugh.

“It was unbelievable. It must have been teasing me after four and a half weeks.”

The ministry in a statement said it would be difficult to comment on a particular case.

“What we can say is that the case definition of a person tracking contact on an aircraft is a person sitting within two seats in all directions.

“Others in flight would have been considered accidental contact,” the statement said.

“After the contact tracking team contacted her, we acknowledge that she would have been too late to test. Passengers could see if any of her close contacts were worse. , They could have taken the test. “


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