Prostate Cancer Diagnosis Needs Support for Men’s Health
When Don Robertson went to the doctor for rib pain, he didn’t know he had advanced prostate cancer.
The cancer had already spread to his bones, which caused a rib fracture. A CT scan revealed that a slow-growing cancer that started in his prostate had spread from his skull to his hips.
Robertson said it was too late to detect the cancer in August 2017. Treatment was chemotherapy and drug management, not cure.
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From that experience, he wondered if there was sufficient support for the system for men’s health.
Unlike women, who were often reminded by GPs and promotional materials to undergo health examinations, including breast and cervical screening, men are “forgotten species” when it comes to health and are regular. He said he felt like he had gone through a crack without a screening program.
Healthy and healthy at the time of being diagnosed with cancer, the 64-year-old said he would only go to the doctor if something went wrong. This means that your GP is less likely to have regular medical examinations.
Prostate cancer is often asymptomatic. He also had no family history of prostate cancer.
“I’ve heard that very many people have prostate cancer, but not all have metastasized, but we have to go to a general practitioner on a regular basis because there are no other problems. Inspection. ”
He said he would not hesitate to encourage regular examinations of men, including prostate, heart and diabetes.
According to Robertson, men need to think about an annual health check as well as get a guarantee of their car’s health.
“Give yourself a present and go for an inspection every year.”
Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men in New Zealand, with more than 3,500 diagnosed each year and more than 650 deaths each year.
Andy Malcolm, a Nelson urologist, said there is a system for men’s health, but “men are not always available.”
“Are men’s health overlooked, or are men overlooking their own health?”
In a system with limited health resources, he said, many groups of people, such as the Maori with the worst health statistics and those with mental health problems, may feel ignored. It was. Suicide is the leading cause of death for men under the age of 60.
He said it was about having “some personal responsibility in society.”
“Society also has to help those who can’t help themselves well. It’s really hard for everyone to be everything.”
However, Malcolm understood that many men shared Robertson’s frustration.
“There is no doubt that GPs who don’t want screening or don’t provide testing are missing out on cancer, but they can’t be criticized because there’s no compelling reason to test it.”
A spokesperson for the Ministry of Health said there was no national screening program for prostate cancer because there were not enough reliable tests for asymptomatic men.
A spokeswoman said the harm outweighed the potential benefits of organized programs, including unreliable results on PSA (prostate-specific antigen) blood tests that cause mental distress.
An increase in PSA, a protein made by prostate cells, does not mean that a person has prostate cancer, and a decrease in PSA does not mean that cancer has been ruled out, the ministry said. Said.
If there are no symptoms such as weak urine flow, cessation of urine flow, or pain when urinating, it is decided to have a prostate examination based on the patient’s circumstances such as age, family history, and personal preference. need to do it.
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