A warm welcome operation is underway to support the UK’s arrival in Afghanistan.
A large-scale intergovernmental effort called Operation Warm Welcome is underway to ensure that Afghan people arriving in the UK receive the essential support they need to rebuild their lives, find work, get an education and integrate into their communities.
As part of a new immigration plan, the government has announced that it will immediately grant indefinite leave to those coming to the UK through resettlement routes, and today (September 1) the Interior Minister announced that it will apply to Afghans who have worked closely with immigration. . British troops in Afghanistan and the British government risked their lives to do so, so they can now stay in Britain without time limit.
People who have already moved to the UK under the Afghanistan Migration and Assistance Policy (ARAP) can apply for free to convert temporary leave into indefinite leave. This will give Afghans the certainty and stability to rebuild their lives with unrestricted work rights and the option to apply for British citizenship in the future.
To give children and young people the best start in life, the government is prioritizing additional schools to help children enroll as quickly as possible, providing transportation to and from school, professional teachers and English language support to learn.
Additional funding is available for up to 300 undergraduate and postgraduate scholarships for Afghans at UK universities and English courses are free for adults as well. Although many work with the British Government and British Army and speak English as translators, language lessons ensure that all family members are fully integrated into the community.
Families needing assistance navigating the system have access to a liaison who can work with local authorities to help set up their GP, national insurance number, school location, accommodation, and more personalized assistance based on their needs.
Prime Minister Boris Johnson said:
We owe a huge debt to those who have worked with the military in Afghanistan, and I have decided to give them and their families the support they need to rebuild their lives here in England.
I know this is going to be an incredibly difficult time, but I hope the waves of support and generosity already expressed by the British public will draw their courage.
Support for Afghanistan’s arrival follows the largest and most complex evacuation in living memory. These include:
An additional 3 million NHS funding will be provided to Afghan people arriving under the Afghan Relocation and Assistance Policy (ARAP) plan to access health care and enroll in GPs after quarantine. A vaccine for COVID-19 is available to everyone and so far, under the ARAP plan, more than 700 arrivals have been quarantined and received their first immunizations, and more people leave and get vaccinated every day. 5 million funds to the Parliaments of England, Wales and Scotland to support Afghans coming to the UK through the ARAP scheme and provide a recharge to cover the cost of renting real estate; The government is already working with more than 100 parliaments across the UK to meet housing needs and more than 2,000 locations have already been identified. The community minister will convene a roundtable with council leaders across the country in the next few days. To capitalize on the generosity of the UK public and to help those seeking help know where to go, we will launch an online portal where people can submit support proposals for people coming from Afghanistan. The portal can already submit housing proposals and work is currently underway to expand it with further offers such as job opportunities, professional technical training, or donations of items such as clothes or toys. 200 million people were put in to cover the first year of a resettlement plan for Afghan citizens, which aims to welcome up to 20,000 Afghans.
Interior Minister Pretty Patel said:
We owe a lot to the brave Afghans who have worked with us and we want to make sure they have the certainty and stability to thrive in England.
As part of the New Plan for Immigration, I have worked to provide refugees who have settled here the ability to rebuild their lives in the UK with essential support so they can integrate into their communities, learn English and become self-sufficient. By offering immediate, indefinite leave, we ensure that those who leave home have every opportunity to look forward to a stable and safe future and live a successful new life in the UK.
Afghan resettlement minister Victoria Atkins said:
Operation Warm Welcome is a massive government-wide effort to help those who have fled Afghanistan live a successful life in the UK.
The stability of indefinite leave, security of access to health care and educational opportunities are the foundations upon which resettlement in the UK can build.
Health and Social Services Minister Sajid Javid said:
This assistance package will help Afghan refugees start a new life in the UK, and we are proud to provide $3 million to ensure they receive the health care they need. This includes access to prescriptions, wound care and dressings, obstetrics and gynecology, mental health support, and infectious disease testing. We will also provide protection as COVID-19 vaccinations are established and reestablished.
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