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The 10 fastest park run times in the UK on 11 September 2021


Bryony Gunn-Haines and James Pettersson ran the UK’s fastest park run time this week (September 11).

Bryony Gunn-Haines jumped from fourth last week to number one this week with an outstanding 16:48 on Birmingham’s Cannon Hill Park Run. It’s a decent six-second park run PB, but it’s not even a million miles away from Birchfield Harrier’s 5000m best of 16:39.88.

Trot was played at parkrun over 4 weeks with the only event in 2021 listed on Power of 10, so we can’t wait to see what happens next week!

James Pettersson of Ipswich Harriers was the fastest man and only athlete under 15 minutes this week. The U23 took 3 seconds on its best park run and was actually faster than over 5000m on the track. All races (or park runs) Pettersson has run so far in 2021 have led to personal bests, setting new records in all of the 3000m obstacle races, 5000m and 10k.

double view

Lauren Cooper is not only the second woman in this week’s rankings, but also the first Lauren Cooper. Runner Bryn Bach finished 16:52 in less than 17 minutes for Haines and was faster than Shrewsbury AC’s Lauren Cooper, who finished 7th at 17:30 in East Park parkrun.

William Strangeway was the second fastest man at 15:09 and Lincoln Wellington is a regular in the top 10. Another athlete overloaded with PB in 2021, the V35 ran 2:22:45 at the Boston Marathon (UK Marathon) in May of this year.

Georgina Weston finished third in this week’s Hull Park Run 17:22 by just a second. This year, Weston ran seven 5K races, won two of them, and won seven park runs, all being the first female finishers. Obviously a popular street for the Rotherham star.

The third and fourth fastest males were Joe Armstrong (15:10) and Andy Coley-Maud (15:11), who soon saw Coley-Maud’s name cut off when his presence was suspected on a Facebook group. is especially good. before. Thankfully, the GB XC, track and road runners are still going strong and are approaching both 5,000 PB and 10,000 PB this year.

Fastest event?

Want to know where to go if you want to compete a bit for a new personal best? Cannon Hill and Woodhouse Moor both appear twice, but Bryony Gunn-Haines’ podium number one is this week. The imaginary trophy for this week’s fastest park run is the road to Birmingham.

top 10 men

1) Park Run: FelixstoweJames Pettersson, 14:45, Ipswich Harriers2) Park Run: Doddington HallWilliam Strangeway, 15:09, Lincoln Wellington AC3) Park Run: Albert,MiddlesbroughJoe Armstrong, 15:10, Morpeth Harriers & AC4) Park Run: Wor , 15:11, Guildford & Godalming AC5) Park Run: EdinburghPeter Avent, 15:17, Shettleston Harriers6) Park Run: Cannon Hill, BirminghamAdam Peacock, 15:18, BRAT7) Park Run: Long EatonPatrick Townsend, Park Notrunts AC 15 :280, :SelbyJoshua Paul Dickinson, 15:27, City of York AC9) Park Run: CardiffMorgan James, 15:30, Cardiff AC10) Park Run: WoodhouseMoorMark Bostock, 15:31 Wakefield District Harriers AC

top 10 women

1) Park Run: Cannon Hill, BirminghamBryony Gunn-Haines, 16:48, Birchfield Harriers2) Park Run: Bryn BachLauren Cooper, 16:52, Parc Bryn Bach Running Club3) Park Run: HullGeorgina Weston, 17:22, Rotherham4) Park Run , 17:23, Leven Valley Athletics Club5) Park Run: Woodhouse MoorKaty Wood, 17:26, City of York AC6) Park Run: Rothay ParkScout Adkin, 17:28, Ambleside AC7) Park Run: East ParkLauren Cooper, 17: 29, Shrewsbury AC8 =) Park Run: CongletonLouise Hackett, 17:39, Wolverhampton & Bilston AC8=) Park Run: TelfordZoe Gilbody, 17:39, Chiltern Harriers AC8=) Park Run: Wyecombe RyeAlice Crane, 17:398=) Park Runs: Didcot9,17: Reim , Dicot Runners

If you want to run faster on a park run, here you will find the best tips to help runners of all abilities.




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