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Is Rebecca dying in ‘This Is Us’? Fans share series finale theory

Is Rebecca dying in ‘This Is Us’?  Fans share series finale theory


Mandy Moore as Rebecca on This Is Us. Ron Batzdorff/NBC

It’s hard to say goodbye! This Is Us is about to end after six seasons and fans are panicking over the fate of Rebecca Pearson.

With the series finale airing on May 24, viewers are growing nervous that TV’s favorite mom (Mandy Moore) will die before the NBC drama ends.

After being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s in This Is Us season 5, Rebecca faced an increasingly difficult journey to battle the disease. Much of the shows’ final storylines focused on the slowly declining health of the Pearson matriarchs. With only two episodes remaining, it looks like another big death is likely.

Known for its time jumps, This Is Us began teasing Rebecca’s death in Season 4 when the show featured a flashforward of the Pearson family gathering at Kevins (Justin Hartley) home in preparation for Rebecca’s passing. Rebecca.

On the May 9 episode of the family drama, this scene was recreated in the current timeline, prompting an onslaught from terrified fans fearing the penultimate episode was Rebeccas last.

OK, the good news is that Rebecca is not dead. The bad news is that she will die next week instead, one person tweeted at the time.

The public may not be far from his theories. Creator Dan Fogelman recently revealed that the show’s penultimate episode was hard to handle even for the cast, especially 38-year-old Moore.

The penultimate script I sent [it] in the cast and it made Mandy vomit, the showrunner, 46, said during the PaleyFest drama panel in April.

The Candy singer explained: It was so beautiful and overwhelming. It was my physical reaction.

Originally, fans assumed the Big Three’s mother would be around until the end of the series, but after Miguels (Jon Huertas) died and Rebeccas got worse, they’re now ready to say goodbye. earlier.

This Is Us needs ALL awards. The fact that I’m crying ugly because Rebecca is about to die is crazy. The episode isn’t even out yet, one Twitter user wrote of the May 17 episode.

Officially, tomorrow is Rebecca Pearson’s day of death, and obviously I will be going to the afterlife with her, tweeted another, despite no confirmation that Rebecca’s death was forthcoming.

Huertas apparently hinted at an early passing for Rebecca when he spoke exclusively to Us Weekly in May.

It’s going to be hard. And as we’ve seen in a lot of other stories, once two people get older once that life partner is taken away, there’s usually a fairly rapid decline. So we could see something like that with Rebecca moving forward, the 52-year-old actor told Us.

Chrissy Metz as Kate and Mandy Moore as Rebecca in This Is Us. Ron Batzdorff/NBC

While some viewers fear Rebecca will die, others theorize how it will happen, and many believe she will reunite with her first husband Jack (Milo Ventimiglia) in the afterlife.

Can’t believe tomorrow will see Jack and Rebecca reuniting after death, one fan theorized.

Another savvy Twitter user realized Rebecca’s death could come on May 17, which is a day after her wedding anniversary with her first love. Rebecca dying the day after her wedding anniversary with Jacks is SICK, they commented.

Although the announcement of the end of the series, which took place in May 2021, was sad for viewers, longtime fans were not surprised as Fogelman has been candid over the years about his vision. from the Emmy-winning show.

We never planned to do a TV series that was going to last 18 seasons, so we have a very direct plan. I wrote script pages and I write that are really deep, deep, deep in the future, the showrunner told The Hollywood Reporter in 2019. We have a plan for what we were going to do, and I know what is the plan.

This plan has allowed the popular series to go back and forth in time over the years, creating a tight story with a payoff that fans may cry while watching but that Ventimiglia, 44, thinks people will eventually. very satisfied when all is said and done.

As I read the latest episodes, I started to see closed loops where there was a moment or a story and it ended, he told Us Weekly exclusively in February 2022. Maybe it’s not happy or it can be happy. It’s just the way life works.

This Is Us airs on NBC Tuesdays at 8 p.m. ET.

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