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UK Home Office will use GPS fingerprint scanners to track people at risk of deportation

UK Home Office will use GPS fingerprint scanners to track people at risk of deportation


The British Interior Department uses devices such as key fobs to track people who have been ordered to deport 24 hours a day. This means you may need to scan your fingerprint and verify its location at any time.

Technology 11/11/2022

UK Home Office uses fingerprint scanners to verify your identity

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People with deportation orders from the UK will soon need to carry a GPS-enabled fingerprint scanner at all times so that the Interior Department can verify their location and identity, New Scientist says. Privacy activists say the device is a form of unnecessary biometric surveillance that can exacerbate people’s mental health problems.

The UK began using GPS-assisted ankle tags to track adult foreign nationals who must be ordered to deport in August 2021. People in this location, also known as immigration bail, are not British citizens and have committed the crimes that resulted in their detention. sentenced to more than 12 months in prison or considered a persistent offender. According to the most recent data, as of September 30, 2146 people are being monitored in this way.

The new device, similar to a large keychain and produced by Buddi, will soon be given to people on immigrant bail, the Interior Ministry has confirmed. They will track your location 24 hours a day. Privacy International’s Lucie Audibert says the charity understands that the device will launch this fall.

Device users must scan their finger when prompted to verify their identity and proximity to the device. The Home Office won’t say how often this will be required, nor has it explicitly stated why fingerprint scanners are better than ankle tags.

In a report prepared by the Chief Inspector of Independent Immigration Services earlier this year, Interior Department officials said these devices could be used to monitor people with vulnerabilities that prevent them from wearing ankle tags, or those deemed less harmful to the public.

But these new devices are just as intrusive as an ankle tag, says Audibert. People will still be tracked 24/7, and for one reason or another they may be more anxious about not being able to submit their fingerprint scans.

She also says that wearing these new devices may affect the normalization of GPS tracking as they become physically and morally more tolerable and acceptable than stigmatized ankle tags.

Fraser Sampson, UK director of biometrics and surveillance cameras, said his job was to ensure that fingerprint data used by police were compliant with government codes of practice.

More and more organizations other than the police are using biometrics, he says. The government does not consider this to be within my jurisdiction.

It’s not part of the surveillance camera code, so the only thing you have to comply with is the land’s general laws, specifically data protection laws, he says. The Department of Home Affairs says the use of data collected by these devices will comply with these laws.

Lawyers representing several clients who must wear GPS ankle tags and wish to remain anonymous say there are not enough safeguards to protect vulnerable people.

Because many people with deportation orders experience post-traumatic stress disorder, 24-hour GPS monitoring could worsen the condition, the lawyer says. They say the Department of Home Affairs gives lawyers and clients just a few days to gather the necessary medical evidence to oppose the use of GPS tags before they can be mounted. The Department of Home Affairs follows published bail guidelines for individual statements.

Lawyers said they have multiple cases where they have obtained evidence that GPS tags exacerbate the trauma of highly vulnerable individuals. Only in a few weeks will the Department of Home Affairs withdraw from its initial judgment to tag anyone, they add.

The public expects us to fulfill our legal obligation to electronically monitor all foreign offenders released on immigration bail while awaiting deportation, an Interior Ministry spokeswoman said. Tag determination is made on a case-by-case basis and a combination of fitted and unmounted devices is used.

Buddy declined to comment.

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