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UK dispatches general field hospital to Gaza Strip to provide 150 tons of support | world news

UK dispatches general field hospital to Gaza Strip to provide 150 tons of support |  world news


A UK-funded field hospital is set to arrive in Gaza this week after receiving 150 tonnes of aid.

Relief goods including 840 family tents, 13,000 blankets, and hygiene products arrived in Gaza today.

The field hospital left Manchester on March 5 and is heading to the Middle East.

It can be adapted to site needs and includes a pharmacy, triage area, critical injury and resuscitation room and maternity care tent.

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The field hospital, provided to medical non-governmental organization UK-Med through UK Aid funding, can be set up as early as 48 hours after arrival.

It will be possible to treat more than 100 patients per day.

International medical staff, including many from the UK, will assist hospital staff alongside local medical staff.

Foreign Secretary Sir Cameron recently announced £10 million in additional support for the occupied Palestinian territories, alongside aid deliveries, taking total spending this financial year to over £100 million.

“Too many people are suffering in Gaza,” Sir Cameron said.

“Combined with the new UK-funded field hospital, our largest ever delivery of aid will save lives.”

The British government announced that approximately 3.1 million people in occupied Palestine are in need of humanitarian assistance, and more than 500,000 are at risk of famine.

Image: Photo: Reuters

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This comes after Sir Cameron called on Israel to open one of its ports so that aid arriving by sea can be delivered to Gaza.

He also called for more visas to be issued to UN staff so that humanitarian aid can be distributed.

Speaking in the House of Lords this week, Sir Cameron said: “We are committed to increasing support for Gaza.

“We have been working with Jordan to drop humanitarian aid and are currently working with our partners to operate a maritime relief corridor in Cyprus.

“However, this is no substitute for road delivery, which is the best way to get support at the scale needed.”

“Israel must lift aid restrictions and restore electricity, water and communications,” he added.

On Tuesday, a relief ship carrying about 200 tons of food for the Gaza Strip finally left Cyprus after delays.

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0:17 Gaza relief boat sets sail

The Open Arms, a rescue ship owned by a Spanish non-governmental organization (NGO), was spotted leaving the port of Larnaca in Cyprus, pulling a barge loaded with flour, rice and proteins.

The journey is over 200 miles long and can take up to two days to complete in a heavy ship.

The U.S. military said one of its ships was en route to provide humanitarian aid to Gaza by sea.

The United Nations estimates that 25% of Gaza's population is at risk of starvation.

It accused Israel of blocking aid to Gaza, and previously described its access to aid to the Strip as “unpredictable and insufficient.”

The United Nations has blamed a combination of military operations, unrest and widespread restrictions on the delivery of essential supplies following a deadly cross-border attack by Hamas on October 7 that prompted Israel's military response.

More than 30,000 Palestinians have died since then, according to the Hamas-run Gaza Health Ministry.

An Israeli government spokesperson previously insisted to Sky News that “there is no limit to the amount of aid that can be provided to Gaza.”




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