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With green and joy, the big American parades mark St. Patrick's Day a little earlier

With green and joy, the big American parades mark St. Patrick's Day a little earlier


NEW YORK — People across the United States celebrated Irish heritage in several major St. Patrick's Day parades Saturday, marking the holiday a day early in events that included a big birthday in Savannah, Georgia, and honored a pioneering female business leader as grand marshal. At New York.

This holiday commemorates the patron saint of Ireland and was popularized largely by Irish Catholic immigrants. While St. Patrick's Day falls on March 17, some parades have been shifted from Sunday, a day of worship for the Christian faithful.

Manhattan's St. Patrick's Day Parade, which dates back to 1762, 14 years before the United States declared independence, is one of the largest Irish heritage festivities in the world.

Megan Stransky of Houston and two of her relatives planned a weekend trip to Broadway to coincide with the parade, seeing it as a great opportunity to remember their family's Irish roots and the traditions that helped shape their upbringing.

The event did not disappoint.

There's no comparison to any other parade or city I've been to, Stransky marveled as she admired the bagpipes, bands, police and military contingents and more.

Grand Marshal Maggie Timoney, Irish-born CEO of Heineken USA, is the first female CEO of a major American brewing company. At a pre-parade reception at the New York City mayor's residence, Irish Justice Minister Helen McEntee welcomed Timoney's recognition and highlighted other reasons to celebrate Irish-American ties this year, notably the Oscar for best actor for Irish actor Cillian Murphy last weekend.

New York City is hosting several parades on different dates across its five boroughs, including, on Sunday, the first St. Patrick's Day parade allowing LGBTQ+ groups to march on Staten Island.

Mayor Eric Adams announced plans last month for a new private celebration, organized after a local organization asked for years to join the borough's decades-old parade. The long-running event, which does not allow groups to march under LGBTQ+ banners, occurred earlier this month.

The Manhattan parade began allowing LGBTQ+ groups and symbols in 2015, after decades of protests, legal challenges and boycotts by some politicians.

Before the Chicago parade, thousands of people, often dressed in green, with beers in hand, gathered along the Chicago River to watch local plumbers' union boats turn the water green. Organizers say the tradition, started by the union, uses an environmentally friendly powder once used to check pipes for leaks.

Katie and Ryan Fox, from suburban Mount Pleasant, landed on a tour boat and saw one of the union boats spraying the dye in front of them.

Ryan Fox, 37, said seeing the river dye by boat is one of the items on his bucket list.

If there's a city that does it better than Chicago, I'd like to see it, he said.

Large crowds dressed in green also filled the streets of Savannah for the bicentennial of a parade that began with a few dozen Irish immigrants in 1824. It is now one of the major annual events in the South, so much so that the Savannah area had nearly 18,000 hotel rooms. booked for the weekend.

Other communities have given their own flavor to St. Patrick's Day festivities.

In Oklahoma City, hundreds of people lined the streets of Stockyard City, the nation's largest stockyard, for a parade that included long-horned cattle, clowns and a man dressed as St. Patrick. The grand marshal was Anita Swift, granddaughter of American cinema legend John Wayne.

In San Francisco, revelers dressed in dark green T-shirts and lime green feather boas watched bands, floats and buses in the annual St. Patrick's Day parade. The event called for unity and aimed to bring together different cultural groups with dance, music and food.


This story has been corrected to show that Manhattan's St. Patrick's Day parade began allowing LGBTQ+ groups to march under their own banners in 2015, not 2014, and that Staten Island's new parade allowing such contingents should take place on Sunday, rather than having taken place. in February. The story has been edited to clarify that Timoney is Heineken's U.S. CEO.




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