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Prime Minister announces national efforts to strengthen UK nuclear deterrent

Prime Minister announces national efforts to strengthen UK nuclear deterrent


Prime Minister announces public and private investments to strengthen nuclear workforce and support 40,000 expected new jobs

The government plans to invest more than 200 million units over the next 10 years to help Barrow thrive as a hub for British nuclear submarine construction.

The Secretary of Defense will publish a key Defense Nuclear Enterprise Order document later today to set out the full scale of the UK's national nuclear effort.

The UK's energy security and national security depend on nuclear power and the industry needs a more skilled UK workforce.

Prime Minister today [Monday 25th] We visit Barrow-in-Furness to announce a major package of investment in skills, jobs and communities, declaring our national commitment to securing the future of the UK's thriving defense and civil nuclear industries.

Domestic nuclear capability is essential to national defense and energy security, underpinning nuclear deterrence and securing cheaper and more reliable energy for UK consumers. The nuclear industry is growing rapidly and will need 50% more highly skilled workers over the next 10 years, and we need to nurture new talent in the UK.

The government is working with industry, including BAE Systems, Rolls-Royce, EDF and Babcock, to invest at least $763 million in skills, jobs and training by 2030. The investment will create more than 8,000 job opportunities, helping the sector fill 40,000 new jobs by the end of the decade, with plans to double the number of nuclear apprentices and graduates and quadruple the number of specialist science and fission PhDs. will support.

Home to Britain's Astute-class nuclear submarines (the most advanced attack submarines ever operated by the Royal Navy), the new Dreadnought program and British AUKUS submarine production, the Cumbrian town of Barrow-in-Furness is also the center of the UK's defense nuclear submarine fleet. ambition. So today the Prime Minister will announce the creation of the Barrow Transformation Fund, which will see the Government commit $20 million immediately, and at least $20 million a year over the next 10 years, to make Barrow an even better place to live, work and live. Build your nuclear career.

Building on these new investments, Defense Secretary Grant Shapps will later today publish the Government's Defense Nuclear Enterprise Command Paper, setting out for the first time a wide-ranging effort to maintain and modernize the UK's enduring maritime nuclear deterrent, a cornerstone of the nation and the world. It is scheduled to start with. We have been providing security for over 55 years.

Chancellor Rishi Sunak said:

Nuclear deterrence and protecting the future of the nuclear industry are important national efforts.

In an increasingly dangerous and competitive world, the UK’s sustained maritime nuclear deterrent is more important than ever. And nuclear power provides consumers with cheaper, cleaner domestically produced energy.

That's why we're investing in the future jobs and skills of Barrow, the home of Britain's submarines, and the UK's thriving nuclear energy industry. Today we launch the next generation of nuclear power that will keep us safe, keep our energy secure, and reduce costs forever.

The Defense Command document will establish the UK's nuclear program as a vital national effort vital to our long-term security and prosperity.

Sets out how to provide the UK with the capabilities it needs to maintain an independent nuclear deterrent, including advancing plans to bring new Dreadnought-class submarines into service in the early 2030s, deepening collaboration with partners under the AUKUS agreement and upgrading key infrastructure It is expected that you will. It is supported by $3 billion in additional funding for nuclear projects announced last year.

Britain's ambitious defense plans are underpinned by major new investment in Barrow. To unlock Barrows' huge potential and support its growing workforce, the government will commit an initial 20 million immediate projects, including helping people to work, community projects and completing construction of the A595 Grizebeck Bypass, over 10 years. At least 20 million doses will be invested. Improving health outcomes, building more homes, developing transport networks and supporting local schools.

The Barrow Innovation Fund will be managed by the Barrow Delivery Board, working with local leaders to allocate funding to areas most in need.

Charles Woodburn, CEO of BAE Systems and member of the Nuclear Skills Executive Council, said:

Barrow is at the heart of the UK submarine enterprise and as custodian of the submarine design and construction capabilities we are very proud of the role it plays on the Astute, Dreadnought and now SSN-AUKUS programmes.

Today's announcement highlights the importance of continued investment in core nuclear technologies at a time of significant growth for our submarine business and our 13,500 employees.

The long-term vision outlined in the command document is very welcome and will support the infrastructure development and hiring needed to deliver these important national security programs.

David Lockwood, CEO of Babcock International and member of the Nuclear Skills Executive Council, said:

This is a fantastic opportunity for the UK to deliver a strong nuclear industry that will contribute to the resilience of the UK’s independent deterrent and support the UK’s energy security ambitions and net zero targets. It also provides foundational support for the ambitious development required across industry and government for the AUKUS programme.

Babcock is proud to be playing a leading role in advancing plans to maintain and grow the critical mass of nuclear technology needed now and into the future. We are focused on key nuclear sites in South West England and Scotland and, together with our customers and other industry partners, are determined to leverage the benefits of NNSPS across the wider communities we serve.

Simone Rossi, CEO of EDF UK and member of the Nuclear Technology Executive Committee, said:

EDF welcomes the joint commitment announced today and looks forward to working with government and industry to deliver great opportunities for those who choose to work in the nuclear sector.

EDF has been at the heart of the UK nuclear energy sector for over 15 years and in 2024 we will be recruiting a further 1,000 people to our UK nuclear family across operations, construction, engineering support and many other exciting roles. The majority of these will be apprentices and graduates, as well as people with relevant skills from other industries.

As we have learned in recent years, it is urgent to attract, train and inspire the next generation of talent to design, build, operate and decommission existing and new nuclear facilities. We are pleased to participate in this national effort.

Steve Carlier, President of Rolls-Royce Submarines and member of the Nuclear Skills Executive Council, said:

As a proud member of the Nuclear Skills Council and a significant partner of the Defense Nuclear Enterprise, we welcome the news that the UK will further strengthen its mission to meet the growing demand for nuclear expertise. do. It is an exciting and exciting time for the industry as civilian and defense organizations work together to ensure we all have a strong and sustainable pipeline of talent entering the nuclear world.

Nuclear power has the power to protect and meet the growing demand for clean energy, so news of the UK’s commitment to this unique industry is a sign of its importance. From the opening of the Nuclear Skills Academy, which will welcome 200 apprentices a year for at least the next 10 years, to the recently announced site expansion work creating more than 1,000 new high-skilled jobs in Derby, to the new satellite creating around 300 jobs. From offices in Glasgow and Cardiff, Rolls-Royce is playing a pivotal role in supporting this national effort.

As part of today's visit, the Prime Minister is expected to meet apprentices working on the Royal Navy's state-of-the-art nuclear submarines. The UK's nuclear industry is experiencing a period of unprecedented growth under the government's ambitious nuclear energy targets and is expected to require a workforce of 123,000 by 2030.

Investment in nuclear technology, including $350 million from government and more than $400 million from industry, will create around 5,000 new apprentices over the next four years. It will also stimulate private investment and create job opportunities for everyone from professional scientists and engineers to welders and electricians, project managers and Royal Navy submariners.

This follows key reforms outlined by the Prime Minister in the spring Budget and a $60 million investment to create 20,000 more apprentices and reduce unnecessary regulatory burden.




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