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Hulu on Disney+ launches in the US for Disney Bundle subscribers

Hulu on Disney+ launches in the US for Disney Bundle subscribers


“Engagement, retention and happy, satisfied subscribers. »

According to Joe Earley, president of Direct-to-Consumer at Disney Entertainment, this is Hulu's ultimate goal on Disney+, which officially launches today in the United States for Disney Bundle subscribers.

Plan subscribers will now enjoy the full Hulu experience on Disney+, which includes Hulu content integrated into Disney+ recommendations, bundles and collections, making it easier to discover thousands of general entertainment titles and explore the content. impressive breadth and depth of Hulu and Disney+ content.

“What's exciting about Hulu fully launching on Disney+ is that we're reducing friction for Bundle subscribers,” Earley said. “During beta, Hulu content was deliberately isolated from the Hulu Hub, but will now be fully integrated into Bundle subscribers' home pages.”

Earley explained that the value proposition of the Disney Bundle is poised to increase for consumers, as expanded content from the Hulu and Disney+ libraries is now in one place. It will also drive deeper engagement with Disney content.

“It’s going to be exciting for titles like The Bear, Shōgun and Only Murders in the Building. During the beta, we found that these titles performed very well with subscribers who typically watched more Disney+ content,” Earley said. “I can only imagine what will happen now with increased visibility and integration on the homepage.”

The enhanced experience also includes significant advancements to the Disney+ app in many areas, including personalization, viewing experience, search and more.

Aaron LaBerge – President and CTO of Disney Entertainment and ESPN – explained: “In fact, this launch represents the most significant technical advancement to Disney+ and our streaming platform since the launch of Disney+ more than four years ago. years,” with several underlying products and technology elements being transformed that will play a role in how we enable future strategic capabilities and projects. “As is often the case, creating something simple, elegant and easy for consumers can be quite complex behind the scenes.”

During Hulu's beta period on Disney+ (December through this week), consumers watched a wider range of content, including adult animation, prestige dramas, and comedies, all in line with the assets Hulu's entertainment standards. Earley also mentioned that Bundle subscribers who have signed up since the beta began are watching more Hulu content on Disney+ than existing Bundle subscribers, indicating that the integrated experience is resonating with consumers.

Adding access to more mainstream entertainment titles through Hulu on Disney+ doesn't come at the expense of families losing control over what their kids can watch.

“We know consumers want 'kid time', 'us time' and 'me time'. Hulu on Disney+ now offers all of this and gives viewers options for their experience when it comes to parental controls and content settings,” Earley said.

This incredible range of content is being celebrated and reflected in a new 360-degree marketing campaign which will launch in the coming days and weeks. This includes out-of-home placements, custom broadcasts and digital spots, multi-brand social media posts, bi-coastal experiential stunts including on-site activations at Disneyland Resort and Walt Disney World Resort, and much more.

Subscribers will also be welcomed into the Disney+ app in a whole new way, with a refined logo, color palette and orchestral mnemonic created by Academy Award®-winning composer Ludwig Göransson.

“The color is named Aurora, both for the Northern Lights, but also in homage to Princess Aurora,” Earley said. “It’s beautiful, a little more adult, and it signals a change.”

Inspired by Hulu's iconic green and Disney+'s legacy blue, this refreshed branding for Disney+ marks a new chapter in storytelling for the streaming service.




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