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In the United States, millions of people wait for a total solar eclipse, waiting for a unique experience

In the United States, millions of people wait for a total solar eclipse, waiting for a unique experience


FOX Weather Correspondent Robert Ray is at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway talking about how he plans to bring you different views of the solar eclipse on Monday.

The countdown is on and we are now less than a day away from the total solar eclipse in the United States on Monday. As excitement builds across the United States, from Texas to Maine, millions of people are nervous and wondering whether bad weather or cloud cover will jeopardize their viewing experience.

Nonetheless, preparations have been underway for months, if not years, as people from across the country and around the world travel to parts of the United States, as well as parts of Canada and Mexico, where the Moon will pass in front of the Sun. and plunging people into darkness along the eclipse's 185-mile-wide path of totality.


Weather conditions during Monday's total solar eclipse include severe weather threats. This graphic shows the severe weather threat for Monday, April 8, 2024, the day of America's total solar eclipse. (FOX Weather)

The threat of severe weather across the Southern Plains and South widened Monday, and there is now a risk of developing thunderstorms that could produce large hail, damaging wind gusts and even tornadoes along the path of totality of the eclipse in Texas and Arkansas.

NOAA's Storm Prediction Center (SPC) has placed more than 20 million people at risk of Level 2 out of 5 on its 5-point Severe Thunderstorm Risk Scale, which includes cities in the path of totality such as San Antonio, Austin, Waco, Dallas and Texarkana in Texas.

Little Rock, Arkansas, is also at risk of severe weather on Monday, but the risk of severe weather is slightly lower there.

The millions of people in the path of totality in these areas should prepare for the possibility of severe weather, including downloading the free FOX Weather app and enabling notifications for important severe weather alerts if an alert were to be issued on Monday.

Elsewhere, forecasts for the total solar eclipse show that while viewing conditions will be difficult to obtain in parts of the southern United States, it appears that the Ohio Valley and parts of the Northeast and of New England will have more optimistic forecasts.


States of emergency and disasters declared before the eclipse

Bell County Judge David Blackburn joined FOX Weather Sunday to explain how the Texas county is preparing for a surge of visitors ahead of the total solar eclipse of the Americas in April and why officials decided to declare the state emergency before the event. (Video from March 2024)

Several cities and states crossing the path of totality have issued disaster declarations or declared states of emergency due to the total solar eclipse.

The Texas Department of Public Safety said its emergency declaration would be in effect from April 6 until the eclipse.

“Such an emergency is in response to the solar eclipse, associated traffic, and potential supply chain shortages in the State of Texas,” the statement said.

More Texas communities issue disaster declarations ahead of the Great North American Eclipse

Several school districts in Texas, as well as states including Indiana, Ohio, Vermont, New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, have planned alternative school schedules, FOX News reports, acknowledging that complete darkness may pose a safety risk as it could distract drivers. and road commuters.

Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders also declared a state of emergency which will remain in effect until Wednesday.

Indiana Governor Eric J. Holcomb, in his disaster declaration for the state, said state and local agencies have prepared for the eclipse over the past year, and that it is anticipated that there could be a widespread and significant impact on Indiana's emergency response. transportation, communications and other critical infrastructure systems.

“It is of the utmost importance for the State of Indiana to be prepared to protect the health, safety and welfare of the public during this event and to be prepared to respond quickly and effectively to any emergency which may arise,” the order states.

Expect travel issues on the path to totality

Excitement is building across the United States for Monday's total solar eclipse, including in Dallas. FOX meteorologist Stephen Morgan is in Dallas and spoke with Klyde Warren Park President Kit Sawers about the types of events being planned for the thousands of people expected in the park during the eclipse.

Anyone who has to travel on Monday to see the total solar eclipse can expect delays, both on highways and major roads, as well as long queues at airports.

And people planning a last-minute trip on the path to totality may be out of luck when it comes to booking a hotel room or Airbnb.

Vacation analytics company reports that short-term rentals have seen unprecedented occupancy rates, with cities like Dallas, Texas, Cleveland, Ohio, Buffalo, New York, and Jeffersonville, Vermont recording an occupancy rate of almost 100%.


And the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) warned air travelers and pilots that Monday's total solar eclipse could disrupt air traffic, particularly at airports in the path of totality.

The FAA posted what it called “special air traffic procedures” on its website and listed possible impacts on the airline industry and airports that could be subject to operational changes.

The bulletin included major airports like Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport, Indianapolis International Airport and Cleveland International Airport.

Road closures are expected in major cities in the path of totality, from Texas to Maine, which are expected to see an influx of people hoping to catch a glimpse of the eclipse.

The Dallas Police Department said on X, formerly Twitter, that rolling road closures would occur in areas of downtown Dallas Monday afternoon and that people should prepare for these impacts.

People driving to view the eclipse should prepare for heavier-than-normal traffic, and AAA has provided some safety tips for drivers, like keeping your headlights on and lowering the sunshade to block the view of the sun during the eclipse if conducted.

Solar Eclipse Safety

Ophthalmologists warn of the dangers of looking directly at the Sun.

While millions of people in the Southern Plains and South may need to avoid severe weather to stay safe on Monday, millions more will need to take precautions to protect their eyes to view the total solar eclipse .

Eye protection is essential and to safely view Monday's total solar eclipse you will need glasses with solar filters, also known as eclipse glasses. You may even be able to use a welding helmet or safety glasses if they are shade 12 or higher, according to NASA.


Your eyes could suffer permanent damage if proper protection is not worn while viewing the solar eclipse. In fact, looking at the Sun during the solar eclipse for just 20 seconds caused permanent eye damage to a New Yorker after the last total solar eclipse in 2017.

The young woman's vision was 20/20 in the right eye and 20/25 in the left before the eclipse. Four hours after looking at the Sun, she said her vision was blurry and distorted in both eyes, and the only color she could see was black.

If you're one of the millions of people lucky enough to witness April's total solar eclipse, you'll want to use protective eyewear. Vitreoretinal surgeon with New York Eye and Ear Infirmary at Mount Sinai, Dr. Avnish Deobhakta joined FOX Weather on Sunday to explain the dangers of viewing the eclipse without proper eye protection.

Ophthalmologists fear more people could experience the same type of eye damage during Monday's solar eclipse.

“The patient was actually looking at the Sun with glasses that she thought were protective, and in this case they were not,” said Dr. Avnish Deobhakta, a vitreoretinal surgeon at the Ear and Eye Infirmary. of Mount Sinai. “She ended up having damage to her retina, which is like the camera film of the eye, and unfortunately we're not able to repair that kind of damage.”




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