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Britain will not block arms sales to Israel, Foreign Secretary David Cameron has said. Israel Gaza War News

Britain will not block arms sales to Israel, Foreign Secretary David Cameron has said.  Israel Gaza War News


The British government is under increasing pressure to cut off arms supplies to Israel as it continues its war in Gaza.

Britain will not stop arms sales to Israel by British companies after reviewing the latest legal advice on the matter, Foreign Secretary David Cameron has said.

Six months after Israel's offensive on Gaza began on October 7, triggered by a Hamas-led attack on Israel, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's government is under intense pressure to revoke permits allowing arms exports to Israel.

Our position on export licensing has not changed as a result of our latest assessment. This is consistent with the advice I and other ministers have received, Mr Cameron said at a press conference with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken in Washington DC on Tuesday.

And as always, we will continue to review that position.

Britain supplied 42 million pounds ($53 million) worth of weapons to Israel in 2022.

Last week, three former senior British judges joined more than 600 members of the British legal community in calling on the government to stop arms sales to Israel. He said this could implicate Britain in the genocide in Gaza.

Some opposition parties in Britain have called on the government to recall parliament, which is currently on holiday, revoke export licenses and publish the legal advice it used to achieve its position.

“This is yet another missed opportunity for David Cameron to exonerate himself and other British officials from their current complicity in Israel’s war crimes, apartheid and genocide,” said Kristyan Benedict, Amnesty International UK crisis director. said.

Israel denies committing war crimes or genocide in its attack on Gaza and refuses to use the term apartheid to describe its treatment of Palestinians.

According to the Palestinian Authority, at least 33,360 people have been killed and 75,993 injured in Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip since October 7.

According to Al Jazeera's tally based on Israeli statistics, Israel launched this attack after the Palestinian group Hamas attacked southern Israel on October 7, killing at least 1,139 people.

Prime Minister Cameron said the UK continued to have serious concerns about humanitarian access issues in Gaza.

He defended his decision not to release legal advice on arms export licenses. He said it was an important principle for ministers to act consistently without disclosing legal advice.

The overall judgment is that these export permits will remain open, he said.

His visit to the United States came as Israel announced it had set a date for a military strike on Rafah, southern Gaza, where more than a million Palestinian refugees are seeking refuge from Israel's attack.

Blinken said Tuesday that he expects talks to take place next week between Israeli and U.S. officials about Israel's potential military operation in Rafah.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Monday that victory over Hamas requires entering Rafah and that there is a date for the operation, despite warnings from Washington not to proceed any further.

Blinken said Washington had not been given a date.

What we have, on the contrary, is ongoing talks with Israel about Operation Rafah, and we expect those talks to continue next week, Blinken added.

I don't expect any action to be taken before that meeting, and I don't see anything imminent on that matter either. But there remains much work to be done and the certainty remains that any major military operation in Rafah will be extremely dangerous for the civilians who will be affected, he said.

Blinken also said the United States was working closely with Qatar and Egypt on a potential ceasefire agreement between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip. He said 400 trucks were cleared Monday to head to Gaza. This is the highest number since October 7, when the conflict broke out.




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