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UK airports most and worst prone to delays revealed | uk news

UK airports most and worst prone to delays revealed |  uk news


London Gatwick Airport was analyzed as the airport with the most flight delays in the UK last year.

Departures at the UK's second-busiest airport are on average around 27 minutes behind schedule in 2023, according to Press Association research on Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) data.

Gatwick was hit hard last year by a shortage of air traffic control personnel across Europe, and has repeatedly experienced the same problem at its own control tower.

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1:17 From April 6: Plane struggles to land in strong winds.

“We are working closely with our airline partners to improve on-time operations,” the airport said in a statement.

Luton had the second worst punctuality record last year, with average delays of almost 23 minutes.

The airport said average delay figures were “unhelpful” without context, insisting most flights departed on time and that most delays were due to factors beyond its control.

In third place was Manchester, with an average delay of around 22 minutes.

Belfast City typically performed best, with a delay of 12 minutes and 30 seconds.

Liverpool John Lennon came in second with an average delay of 13 minutes and 24 seconds, followed by East Midlands with an average delay of 15 minutes and 18 seconds.

The average delay for flights across all airports was around 20 minutes and 42 seconds, down from 23 minutes and 12 seconds in 2022, when the aviation sector struggled to cope with a surge in holiday demand after coronavirus travel restrictions ended.

Departures from Heathrow, Britain's busiest airport, were typically delayed by around 20 minutes last year.

The analysis considered all scheduled and charter flights departing from 22 UK commercial airports with at least 1,000 outbound flights last year. Cancellations are not included.

Full ranking of UK airports by worst average delays

1: Gatwick (26 minutes 54 seconds)

2: Luton (22:54)

3: Manchester (21:54)

4: Edinburgh (21 minutes 48 seconds)

5: Birmingham (21:30)

6: Bristol (20:24)

Joint No. 6: Bournemouth (20:24)

8: Heathrow (20 minutes)

9: Newcastle (19:48)

10: Belfast International Airport (19 minutes 18 seconds)

11. Stansted (19 minutes 6 seconds)

12: Aberdeen (17:42)

13: Southampton (17:06)

14: Liz Bradford (16:54)

Joint 14th place: Cardiff Wales (16 minutes 54 seconds)

16: Teesside International Airport (16 minutes 48 seconds)

17: Glasgow (16:36)

18: Exeter (15:42)

19: London City (15 minutes 36 seconds)

20: East Midlands International Airport (15 minutes 18 seconds)

21. Liverpool (John Lennon) (13 minutes 24 seconds)

22: Belfast City (George Best) (12 minutes 30 seconds)

“As the world’s most efficient single-runway airport, we aim to provide a seamless passenger experience,” Gatwick said in a statement.

“Most cancellations are due to adverse weather conditions, airspace constraints across Europe and inefficient third-party ground operations.

“We are working closely with our partner airlines to improve on-time operations.

“We have also announced a six-year capital investment program that sets out significant improvements to develop and improve infrastructure and facilities to build the airport’s resilience.”

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Gatwick has imposed temporary limits on flights for September 2023 to reduce the number of surprise cancellations and delays due to staff shortages at ATC towers.

A Luton Airport spokesman said: “Without context these figures are of no help to passengers.” In 2023, the majority of flights departing from London Luton Airport were on time, with only 163 (0.3%) of the 50,402 departing commercial flights being delayed. This is due to factors within our direct control and not external factors such as weather, air traffic restrictions and delayed aircraft arrivals.”

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A Manchester Airport spokesman said: “This analysis ignores important context. Punctuality can be affected by a number of factors, many of which are beyond the airport's control. It has led to delays last year. Two most important factors have influenced industrial activity: European air traffic control and weather.

“Last month, 79.8% of flights departing Manchester Airport took off on time, comfortably above the national average of 67%.

“As an industry, we are working collectively to achieve the best on-time departure rates while protecting flight schedules and avoiding the need for cancellations.”

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0:37 From April 6: Plane wings are clipped at Heathrow Airport.

What are your rights if your flight is delayed?

If a flight is significantly delayed or cancelled, airlines are required by consumer law to provide passengers with assistance, such as refreshments, means of communication and overnight accommodation, if necessary.

If the cause of the disruption is under the control of the airline, passengers will be entitled to compensation of up to £520, depending on the length of the delay and the distance flown.

However, air traffic control (ATC) issues are generally considered “special circumstances.” This means affected passengers will not be eligible to receive a payment.




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