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Iran launched drone attacks on Israel, US officials say

Iran launched drone attacks on Israel, US officials say


Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei looks at the coffins of members of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps killed in the Israeli airstrike on the Iranian embassy compound in the Syrian capital Damascus during a funeral ceremony in Tehran, Iran, April 4, 2024. Iranian Supreme Office

WANA news agency | Via Reuters

Iran launched attacks on Israel on Saturday, according to US officials, escalating long-standing tensions between the two countries that could trigger a regional war.

“Iran has launched an air attack against Israel,” National Security Council spokeswoman Adrienne Watson said Saturday. “The United States will stand with the Israeli people and support their defense against these Iranian threats.”

Israeli military spokesman Daniel Hagari said Saturday that Israel would work “in close coordination” with the United States and its regional partners to intercept the launches.

“We are monitoring the threat in the airspace. It is a threat that takes several hours to reach the territory of the State of Israel,” he added.

The Biden administration expects the Iranian attack to target Israeli government sites, not civilian or religious sites and not U.S. assets in the region, U.S. officials told NBC News.

The administration expects the attack to involve 100 drones, dozens of cruise missiles and dozens of ballistic missiles, one of the officials added.

Before Saturday's attacks, President Joe Biden was on his way to the White House, earlier than originally planned, to meet with his national security team, including Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and Secretary of State Antony Blinken, in a context of growing prospect of conflict. Iranian strike.

Earlier on Saturday, Iran's Revolutionary Guard seized a Portuguese-flagged cargo ship with connections to Israel in the Strait of Hormuz, a key shipping route. The White House condemned the decision shortly afterward.

In anticipation of the attacks, airspace in Israel and throughout the region was temporarily closed.

Israel also announced that starting Sunday it would close schools and limit gatherings to 1,000 people in certain areas.

Tensions between Iran and Israel have escalated since the start of the Gaza war in October, and particularly in recent weeks after Iran accused Israel of carrying out an attack on its consulate in Damascus on October 1. april.

The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps said in a statement Saturday that the missile and drone launches were “a response to crimes committed by the Zionist regime.”

Iranian leaders, including Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, had previously pledged to retaliate against Israel following the Damascus attack and Israel, in turn, threatened to launch its own counterattack. Israel has neither confirmed nor denied its involvement in the Damascus attack.

“If Iran attacks from its territory, Israel will react and attack in Iran,” Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz wrote in a message published Wednesday on X, tagging the ayatollah's X account.

Given Iran's various warnings, the White House expected an Iranian strike and was communicating with Israel to ensure they would be prepared to defend themselves.




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