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'Tornado' overturns caravan and damages buildings in Staffordshire as strong winds batter England | uk news

'Tornado' overturns caravan and damages buildings in Staffordshire as strong winds batter England |  uk news


A tornado was seen flipping a caravan and damaging buildings and vehicles in northwest England as strong winds battered most of the country.

Strong winds and heavy rain swept across England, Wales and Northern Ireland, with gusts of up to 55mph in coastal areas.

Pictures show a caravan overturned on St Giles Road in the Staffordshire town of Knutton, damaging its roof, shed, fence and vehicle.

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David Hemming said his caravan was pushed sideways off the driveway and smashed into a camper van when strong winds struck his home at work on Monday.

“It was just one big blast,” he said. “I was at work and I was just about to leave and before I left I saw the camera at the house and my caravan was next to it and it crashed into my van.

“Two barns out back were gone. All the fence panels were destroyed. It was gone in just 20 seconds.”

Image: A caravan overturned in Knutton after strong winds swept through the area. Photo: PA

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He added: “It must have been a tornado because of all the damage. It just went through the street.”

The road was blocked by Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Service.

Image: Buildings in Staffordshire were also damaged by the situation. Photo: PA

‘Tiles flying everywhere’

Neighbor Michael Wearing said Mr Hemming's shed was in his backyard.

“It was definitely a tornado, without a doubt,” he said. “I heard it finish, and it was like the Hoover was starting up.”

Mr Wearing's front window was smashed by flying debris and the windshield of his van was too damaged to drive.

“Someone had put a trampoline on the roof, and there were tiles flying everywhere,” he added.

Image: Emergency services are blocked on a road in Knutton due to bad weather. Photo: PA

‘Especially strong winds’

The Met Office said it could not confirm whether the strong gusts in Staffordshire were a tornado, but added that the winds had the potential to create a tornado.

Met Office spokesman Stephen Dixon told Sky News: “As the front moves south this morning, a short-lived tornado could develop and impact some areas.”

“Tornadoes occur in the UK and are generally short-lived, with about 30 reported per year on average in the UK.”

He added that such incidents are typically not captured by radar images and “can only be assessed by looking at evidence on the ground.”

“There were reports of particularly strong winds today,” he said.

The Met Office website defines a tornado as “a rapidly rotating column of air that reaches the base of a storm cloud and the surface of the Earth.”

Image: A damaged vehicle is towed away in Knutton. Photo: PA

Bridges, parks and attractions closed

Bridges, parks and National Trust sites across England have been forced to close due to the windy conditions, amid warnings that gusts could reach up to 45mph inland.

The M48 Severn Bridge was closed in both directions on Monday morning due to strong winds.

In Yorkshire, the Humber Bridge has become inaccessible to certain vehicles, including motorhomes, vehicles with roof boxes, motorcycles and large lorries.

Image: Damaged roof is being inspected in Knutton. Photo: PA

Parks across London are closed, including playgrounds in Hampstead Heath, West Ham Park, Regents Park, Greenwich Park and Hyde Park.

Kew Gardens has announced it will not open on Monday due to “bad weather”.

Tourist attractions including Dover Castle in Southport and parts of Ainsdale Beach were also forced to close.

Read more on Sky News: 'Atlantic hurricane season will become extremely active in 2024' The UK has been drenched by record rainfall over the past 18 months.

Image: A yellow weather warning for winds covers England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Photo: Korea Meteorological Administration

Dry environment planned for move-in

The Met Office has issued a yellow warning for winds until 10pm on Monday across Northern Ireland, Wales and England, and as far north as Cumbria.

Forecasters say showers are expected to hit many areas through Friday before drier conditions begin.

“There are signs that by the end of the week, higher pressure will come in from the southwest and things will stabilize in terms of rainfall totals,” Mr Dixon said.

It comes after parts of the UK have experienced unusually warm temperatures in recent days, with 21.8C (71.2F) recorded in Little, Essex, on Saturday.




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