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US military deploys new missile launcher to the Philippines

US military deploys new missile launcher to the Philippines


The U.S. Army's new medium-range Typhoon weapons system is deployed for the first time to the First Island Chain.

The US military's new ground launcher, capable of supporting Tomahawk and SM-6 cruise missiles, first appeared in the Indo-Pacific during a deployment to the northern Philippines for military exercises .

The Mid-Range Capability, also known as the Typhon Weapon System, is a Lockheed Martin design that takes the Mk.41 Naval Vertical Launch System and modifies it for land operations. These launchers are a critical part of the U.S. military's new Multi-Domain Task Forces (MDTF), created to address the broad range of threats facing Russia and China. The Typhoon battery, composed of four launchers, a command center and associated logistics vehicles, is assigned to the operational forces strategic fires battalion, additionally composed of the high mobility artillery rocket system (HIMARS) and Dark Eagle hypersonic batteries.

In this first-ever deployment, the 1st MDTF stationed outside the continental United States at Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Washington, deployed Typhon on a U.S. Air Force C-17 Globemaster . More than 8,000 miles and 15 hours later, the first U.S. ground-based cruise missile launcher since the Cold War taxied onto Philippine soil at an unidentified airfield in northern Luzon for the bilateral U.S. ground forces exercise. -Philippines Salaknib 2024. In recent years, activities at Salaknib have evolved to include high-end exercises, such as coastal defense, as the Philippine military shifts from internal security operations to coastal defense of the archipelago.

Last summer, then-Philippine Army Chief Romeo Brawner announced that the Philippines would acquire HIMARS, another U.S. missile system, to enhance its territorial defense capabilities. These acquisitions and modernization projects come amid heightened tensions and a series of spats between Manila and Beijing in their territorial disputes in the South China Sea, particularly over Chinese activities in the Philippines' exclusive economic zone.

Following these incidents, in which some members of the Philippine Navy were injured by Chinese coast guard water cannons, Manila intensified cooperation with the United States and other supportive countries through exercises and military exchanges.

The Medium Capacity Launcher (MRC) from Charlie Battery, 5th Battalion, 3rd Field Artillery Regiment, Long Range Fires Battalion, 1st Multi-Domain Task Force, arrives as part of the capability's first in-theater deployment from northern Luzon, Philippines, on April 7. 2024.

This is an important milestone in our partnership with the Philippines, our oldest treaty ally in the region. We are grateful to our partners in the Armed Forces of the Philippines and are excited to expand our security cooperation as we bring this new capability to Luzon,

Commander of the 1st MDTF, Brig. General Bernard Harrington

From northern Luzon, located along the first island chain separating mainland Asia from the open Pacific, supposedly the area in which the system was deployed for Salaknib 2024 according to a US Army press release , the Typhoons missiles could cover not only the entire Luzon Strait, but also reach the Chinese coast and various People's Liberation Army bases in the South China Sea.

“The deployment of the MRC aims to enhance the maritime defense capabilities of the Philippines, while enhancing interoperability and readiness within the US-Philippine Alliance,” the press release said.

Asked about its role in the largely maritime and air domain of the Indo-Pacific, the U.S. military highlights Typhon as its contribution to providing fires as part of a combined effort with other military branches, such as the Marine Corps and Navy. Harrington said the system provided a credible, land-based maritime strike capability during the activation ceremony for a second Typhoon battery earlier this year.

Ultimately, we work to deter the next fight. “But if that fails, I know this unit is ready to complete its mission of providing a counter-maritime capability in the Pacific,” said Lt. Col. Benjamin Blane, commander of the 5th Battalion, 3rd Field Artillery Regiment. campaign, about what these missile batteries bring. for deterrence and capabilities in the region during a ceremony in January.




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