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Israel, the United States and their partners neutralize Iranian airborne attacks > US Department of Defense > Department of Defense News

Israel, the United States and their partners neutralize Iranian airborne attacks > US Department of Defense > Department of Defense News


Last weekend, Iran and its proxy groups launched more than 300 airborne weapons at targets in Israel, but U.S., Israeli and partner forces destroyed a significant portion of them before they reached their targets.

Among the weapons launched from Iran, Syria and Yemen were more than 110 medium-range ballistic missiles, more than 30 land-attack cruise missiles and more than 150 unmanned aerial vehicles. The attack began in Israel late Saturday evening and ended early in the morning of April 14.

US Central Command forces, supported by the US Navy destroyers USS Arleigh Burke and USS Carney, destroyed more than 80 one-way attack drones and at least six ballistic missiles, the Pentagon press secretary said, Air Force Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder during a briefing yesterday.

“As our actions have demonstrated, American support for the defense of Israel is strong,” Ryder said. “It also demonstrates the long-standing relationship of security cooperation that the United States has – not only with Israel, but with countries in the region – when it comes to confronting regional threats. These kinds of things don't happen overnight These kinds of things don't happen overnight relationships and the ability to work together, to interact together, all of that came together and saved. many lives.”

The general said that since the attack ended, Defense Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III has discussed the situation with international partners, allies, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Air, General CQ Brown, Jr., senior leaders from the Department of Defense and the United States. Commanders of European Command and Centcom.

The defense secretary has also been in contact with his counterpart, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, Ryder said.

“During their last call… [Sunday]”The two leaders reviewed the successful combined operation of the United States, Israel and their partners to defend Israel against these unprecedented attacks by Iran and its proxies,” Ryder said.

In a statement released following the attacks, Austin praised the efforts of U.S. forces and their allies, condemned the attacks, and reiterated both the United States' right to defend its forces in the Middle East and its commitment towards Israel.

“I am grateful for the professionalism and skills of the courageous American troops who took part in today’s actions and who continue to stand guard to prevent further conflict or escalation,” Austin said. “We condemn these reckless and unprecedented attacks by Iran and its proxies, and we call on Iran to immediately end any further attacks – including by its proxies – and ease tensions. We do not We do not seek conflict with Iran, but we will not hesitate to act to protect our forces and support the defense of Israel.




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