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Coast Guard evacuates American passenger from Disney cruise ship 180 miles northwest of Puerto Rico > US Coast Guard News > Press Releases

Coast Guard evacuates American passenger from Disney cruise ship 180 miles northwest of Puerto Rico > US Coast Guard News > Press Releases


SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico — The crew of a Coast Guard MH-60T Jayhawk helicopter conducted a medical evacuation for a passenger from the Disney Fantasy cruise ship Monday in the Atlantic Ocean, 180 miles north- west of Aguadilla, Puerto Rico.

The medevac patient was a 35-year-old pregnant woman, U.S. citizen, who experienced health complications and required a higher level of medical care on land.

Coast Guard observers in Sector San Juan received a communication from the Disney Fantasy requesting health assistance Monday morning as the cruise ship transited 260 nautical miles northwest of Aguadilla, Puerto Rico. Observers coordinated medical evacuation arrangements and directed the launch of a Coast Guard Air Station Borinquen MH-60T Jayhawk helicopter and a forward-deployed HC-144 Ocean Sentry aircraft from the air station. from the Miami Coast Guard to meet the cruise ship. Once there, the Coast Guard Jayhawk crew deployed their rescue swimmer aboard the cruise ship, who prepared a rescue basket and litter to safely hoist the cruise ship's patient and doctor to board the plane.

The Coast Guard crew transported the patient to the Fernando Luis Ribas Dominicci Airport in San Juan, Puerto Rico, where local emergency medical service personnel received and transported the patient to the local hospital “Centro Medico “.

“Our crew was able to quickly, safely and efficiently execute a long-range medical evacuation so the patient received the higher level of care she needed,” said Lt. Cmdr. Todd Stephens. “This case demonstrates the value of good crew resource management and the capabilities of our Jayhawk helicopter.”

“We are happy that everything came together to help this passenger,” said Ensign Michael Riccio, Coast Guard Sector San Juan operations unit chief for the case. “The skill displayed by the Disney Fantasy crew and the Coast Guard personnel and units involved made all the difference.”

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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