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The secret US alliance that defended Israel against Iranian attack

The secret US alliance that defended Israel against Iranian attack


Although Iraq, Jordan and Saudi Arabia directly participated in the defense of Israel, intercepting Iranian missiles and drones and supporting the operation, none of the Arab countries involved are willing to publicly admit their participation , and Washington accepts this deception. The scale of partner air operations in response to Iran now adds to the network of secret bases, hidden military alliances and undisclosed weapons that crisscross the region. Now, as the region faces the possibility of a wider war, public opinion is once again left in the dark.

As Iranian-made missiles and drones headed toward Israel during the 12-hour operation last Saturday, U.S. military officers were stationed throughout the region to coordinate the unified response and coach covert partners, sources said. military. Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait and Bahrain were also linked to the US-led air and missile defense network, but these countries also remained silent.

Today, the secret partners even go out of their way to deny their role, while delivering a subtle message to Israel (and the United States) that they will not be as cooperative should Israel escalate further.

Take Jordan, a longtime U.S. ally and one of America's most loyal military partners in the fight against ISIS. While acknowledging that the kingdom's American-made F-16 fighter jets joined those of the United States, Britain, France and Israel in shooting down Iranian drones and missiles, Amman n 'revealed no specific details about which planes were there, over which airspace, or when they engaged targets. (As The Intercept previously reported, U.S. F-15E attack jets operated primarily from Jordan's Muwaffaq Salti air base. And Israeli fighters shot down drones and missiles over Jordanian territory.)

Despite its involvement as a central hub, Jordan's foreign minister issued a clear, if vague, warning that the patience he has shown toward Israel and America may be waning. On April 14, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates Ayman Safadi said that Jordan's participation was a firm policy that anything that poses a threat to Jordan would be fought, as our priority is to protect Jordan, protect the lives of Jordanians, protect the capabilities of.

King Abdullah II said Tuesday that “Jordan’s security and sovereignty are above all considerations.”

Safadi added that similar measures would be taken to respond to any attack emanating from Israel against Iran. “We will intercept every drone or missile that violates Jordanian airspace to avoid any danger,” he told the official Al-Mamlaka news channel.

In his own efforts to steer his country away from spiraling conflict, Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani has denied that Iranian-made weapons were launched from his country's borders. The prime minister's remarks come after the Israeli military and Iranian media identified Iran, Yemen, Iraq and Lebanon as the countries of origin of the drones and missiles. On Tuesday, the Pentagon said Iranian weapons came from Iran, Syria and Yemen.

We condemn the fact that weapons launched against Israel have violated the airspace of several states in the region, endangering the lives of innocent people in those countries, the United States told the United Nations on Wednesday. (Iraq also secretly hosts U.S. Army Patriot surface-to-air missile batteries, which have shot down some Iranian missiles, as The Intercept previously reported. The presence of U.S. Patriots on Iraqi soil had not been made public before Saturday.)

Like Jordan's foreign minister, al-Sudani added, Iraq rejects the use of its airspace by any country. We do not want Iraq to be engaged in a conflict zone. What steps Baghdad might take to protect its airspace remains unclear.

Saudi Arabia is an even stranger case. The Israeli press reported that Saudi Arabia admitted that it had helped the newly forged regional military coalition, according to an article by KAN News, Israel's English-language public news radio. But the Saudi monarchy fought back. Saudi Arabia was not involved in intercepting recent Iranian attacks on Israel, according to informed sources speaking to Al Arabiya TV channel, the Saudi Gazette reported. The sources stressed that no official statement has been issued regarding Saudi involvement in combating these attacks. This clarification follows reports from some Israeli news sites attributing statements to an official Saudi source, asserting the Kingdom's participation in the defensive alliance that responded to Iranian attacks.

Some reports indicate that US KC-135 tanker aircraft were flying over Saudi airspace at the time of the Iranian strike. The United States is known to station these flying gas stations on Saudi soil, at the King Abdulaziz Air Base in Dhahran. Other reports indicate that Saudi Arabia closed its airspace to American aircraft during the operation, demanding that the United States refrain from launching any counterattack against Iran from its territory.

The United States has sold Patriot missile batteries and Terminal High Altitude Area Defense longer-range anti-ballistic missile systems to Saudi Arabia, and has stationed Patriot missiles on Saudi soil. Patriot was also sold to Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates; THAAD is also operational or in development in the United Arab Emirates, Oman and Qatar. The US military deploys its own Patriot batteries in Bahrain, Iraq, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

secretary [of Defense Lloyd] Austin continues to communicate with leaders across the Middle East region and beyond to emphasize that while the United States does not seek escalation, we will continue to defend Israel and American personnel, Maj. -Gen. Pat Ryder, Pentagon spokesman, declining to name. which leaders and referring only to Arab states as partners in the region.

There has been virtually no US media coverage of the role of these various Arab countries in Israel's defense, further adding to the state-imposed secrecy. But what these partner countries would choose to do, if Israel decided to attack Iran, to protect their airspace and sovereignty, is an important factor in any Israeli decision.

“You win,” President Joe Biden reportedly told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday. Take victory, urging Israel to refrain from further action.

Biden also said the United States would not assist Israel in its retaliatory efforts against Iran. But as with the current war in Gaza and reports of Israel's refusal to share its plans for the attack on the Iranian embassy in Syria until moments before its execution, Israel has often found that the red lines Americans don't count for much. Soon, the United States may have to decide which side to take in the event that Arab states engage Israeli planes, drones or missiles.




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