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Prince Harry officially cuts ties with Britain, making America his home

Prince Harry officially cuts ties with Britain, making America his home


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According to official documents, Prince Harry changed his primary country of residence from the United Kingdom to the United States.

The Duke of Sussex also appears to have dated his official US residency back to the day he was kicked out of Frogmore Cottage, in an explicit criticism of his father, King Charles, and brother, William.

A change of address was filed for his environmental company, Travalyst, on Wednesday. Although the listed change date is June 29 last year, this is the date the King asked for the key to be returned to his Windsor bolt hole.

Harry has declared the United States as his new country of residence, according to updated Company House records filed this week, and is rumored to be planning to return to frontline duty amid Charles and Kate's cancer battle.

He and Meghan left Britain and moved to California in 2020 after stepping down from royal duties.

Frogmore Cottage was a wedding gift to the couple from Queen Elizabeth. So when Charles asked the pair to leave – a decision that soured their relationship – it left his youngest son deeply hurt.

Prince Henry Charles Albert David, Duke of Sussex, changed his new country/state of usual residence to the United States on June 29, according to publicly available documents from Companies House.

Prince Harry has not had a UK address for almost a year (Reuters)

Prince Harry reportedly wanted to maintain a base in his home country before being asked to leave.

Royal writer Phil Dampier told The Sun: Charles and William knew they had to do that to emphasize that Harry and Meghan were outside of The Firm, but perhaps they felt they could still maintain a base here. Now he has shown that he accepts that his life is in America.

The Duke of Sussex has since considered becoming an American citizen, but said this would mean losing his royal title.

The thought has crossed my mind, but it's not a high priority right now, he admitted on Good Morning America earlier this year.

The news comes amid a highly publicized review of Prince Harry's visa application.

It is being reviewed privately after the prince spoke candidly about his previous drug use in his 2023 memoir, Spare.

Prince Harry is currently undergoing visa review after admitting to taking various drugs (Reuters)

He wrote: Psychedelics have done me good things too. I've experimented with it over the years for fun, but now I'm starting to use it therapeutically, medically. They didn't allow me to escape reality for a moment.

Because questions about previous drug use must be answered by potential U.S. residents, this sparked an investigation into whether he lied on his application.

Think tank group the Heritage Foundation later launched a lawsuit against the prince to get to the bottom of the matter.

The group representative said: [The case] It mainly occurs due to HRH. [His Royal Highness] Admitted in writing to multiple controlled substance offenses in order to voluntarily obtain a large profit.

The Independent has contacted Prince Harry's spokesperson for comment.




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