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A grand unveiling of global trends and local heritage

A grand unveiling of global trends and local heritage


TONGXIANG, China, April 28, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — On April 24, 2024, Puyuan Fashion Week debuted at Puyuan Fashion Resort. Continuing the basic concept “Knitting is Fashion”, proposed the theme “Weaving a Wise Future”. Combining the beauty of fashion knitwear with the idyllic charm of Jiangnan's water towns, the event capitalizes on the rich heritage of the local knitting industry, seamlessly merging traditional culture with contemporary fashion trends. The aim is to highlight the symbiotic relationship between the fashion industry and resort tourism, accelerate the internationalization of Puyuan's fashion industry, promote the transformation of the local center of knitting industry and encourage the growth of young designers.

On the opening day, Puyuan Fashion Week attracted many famous artists, fashion models and trend setters, injecting vibrant colors into the ancient charm of Jiangnan. It kicked off with an exclusive VIP trunk show featuring the iconic Chinese designer. Vera Wang. Its prestigious label, VERA WANG HIGHhas unveiled its Spring/Summer 2024 capsule collection, showcasing its signature avant-garde aesthetic to a delighted audience.

The inauguration continued with a presentation of the luxury brand THE ATELIER, under the creative direction and design guidance of the world-renowned Chinese professor. Jimmy Choo. THE ATELIER's design philosophy advocates the collision and fusion of diverse ideas, cultures and aesthetics and perfectly matched the resort's unique atmosphere. The showcase brilliantly captured the pulse of global fashion trends.

The grand finale of Puyuan Fashion Week will be marked by an extraordinary presentation of La Mofiel, a luxury fashion brand commemorating ten years of elite craftsmanship. Breaking away from conventional show formats, the closing show will uniquely position models on sculling boats amid the resort's charming backdrop. The region's avant-garde mix of fashion and scenic waterways promises to be remarkable, ensuring a spectacular finale to the festivities.

Furthermore, from April 24 to 28, Puyuan Fashion Week presents four designer brand debuts and six local brand showcases in the form of stage musical street performances. Capitalizing on Puyuan's natural appeal and in partnership with local fashion brands, the entire area will be converted into an immersive and experiential performance arena.

Since its establishment, Puyuan Fashion Resort has become the backdrop for many crossover events, including Puyuan Fashion Week, Douyin Creator Conference and Zhizu GQ Men of the Year Ceremony. These events connect fashion trends with the city's lifestyle. By hosting these events, the city has been able to combine leisure and lifestyle, pioneering a new model combining “cultural tourism and local industries”.

SOURCE Puyuan Fashion Resort




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