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Blatant aggression: Reactions to the US veto on Palestine's UN candidacy | United Nations News

Blatant aggression: Reactions to the US veto on Palestine's UN candidacy |  United Nations News


The United States vetoed a draft UN Security Council (UNSC) resolution that recommended granting the State of Palestine full membership in the United Nations.

Thursday's veto from Israel's main political and military backer was expected before the vote. Twelve countries voted in favor of the resolution presented by Algeria, while the United Kingdom and Switzerland abstained.

Here are some international reactions:

Palestinian Authority

The office of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas said the US veto constituted blatant aggression that pushed the region further to the brink.

In a statement, the presidency called the US veto unfair, unethical and unjustified.

The fact that this resolution was not adopted will not break our will or defeat our determination, Palestinian Ambassador to the UN Riyad Mansour said after the vote.

We will not stop our efforts. The State of Palestine is inevitable. It's real, he said.

Remember that once this session ends, innocent people in Palestine will pay the price with their lives for the delay in establishing justice, freedom and peace, he added.


The Palestinian armed group accused the United States of opposing the international will by exercising its veto and denying the Palestinians full membership in the world body.

The group said in a statement that it condemned in the strongest possible terms the US biased position in favor of the occupation, and called on the international community to exert pressure to go beyond US will and support the struggle of our Palestinian people and their legitimate right to self-determination.

We assure the world that our Palestinian people will continue their struggle and resistance until they defeat the occupation, strip them of their rights and establish their independent and fully sovereign Palestinian State with Jerusalem as its capital, the text adds.


The Foreign Ministry expressed deep regret over the failure of the UN Security Council to adopt the resolution, and said it considered it a sad day for justice and a setback for efforts to to bring peace to the region.

This reveals the Council's failure to fulfill its responsibilities and role in maintaining international peace and security, particularly in light of the brutal war in the Gaza Strip, he said.

Declaration | Qatar expresses deep regret over the failure of the Security Council to adopt a draft resolution accepting Palestine's full membership in the UN#MOFAQatar

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Qatar (@MofaQatar_EN) on April 19


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed deep regret over the failure of the UN Security Council to adopt the resolution and said that approving Palestine's candidacy for full membership of the UN was a a vital step and an inherent right of the Palestinian people.

He said that preventing Palestine from achieving full membership in the UN is a decision that is not in line with the legal and historical responsibility of the international community, which must help all parties achieve to a final and just solution to the Palestinian question.


President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said: While everyone is on the side of Palestine, unfortunately America is once again presenting its position by standing with Israel.

Either way, we didn't expect anything different.


Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz praised the United States for vetoing the resolution, which he called a shameful proposal, in an article on X.

It is scandalous that, even six months after the October 7 massacre, the UN Security Council has failed to condemn Hamas.[s] horrible crimes, he wrote, referring to the attacks carried out by Hamas against southern Israel that sparked the current conflict. At least 33,970 people have been killed and 76,770 injured in Israeli attacks on Gaza since October 7.


Deputy US Ambassador to the United Nations Robert Wood said his country has worked vigorously and decisively to support the creation of a Palestinian state within the context of a comprehensive peace agreement that would permanently resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Since the October 7 attacks, President Biden has made clear that lasting peace in the region can only be achieved through a two-state solution with Israel's security guarantee, he said after lifting hand to vote against and veto the resolution.

There is no other path that guarantees Israel's security and future as a democratic Jewish state, Wood continued.

He said there remained unresolved questions about whether the applicant met the criteria to be considered state.

We have long called on the Palestinian Authority to undertake the necessary reforms to help establish the qualities necessary for statehood and note that Hamas, a terrorist organization, currently exercises power and influence in Gaza, an integral part of the State envisaged in this resolution. he said.


Russia's Ambassador to the UN, Vassily Nebenzia, said that by exercising its veto, the United States demonstrated what it really thinks about the Palestinians.

Washington believes they do not deserve to have their own state and only cares about Israel's interests, he added.

Nebenzia said the United States was turning a blind eye to Israel's crimes against civilians in Gaza, as well as continued illegal settlement activities in the occupied West Bank.

The goal is to break the will of the Palestinians, to force them once and for all to submit to the occupying power, to make them servants and second-class people, and perhaps, to force them once and for all to leave their native territory, he said.

However, he added, this policy only has the opposite impact.

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia expressed regret over the failure of the UN Security Council to adopt the resolution, it said in a statement.


Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide expressed his country's regret that the UN Security Council had not agreed to admit Palestine as a full member of the UN.

Norway regrets that the Security Council has not agreed on the admission of #Palestine as a full member of the UN.

We would have voted for it.

Norway is a strong supporter of the Palestinian right to statehood. The #TwoStateSolution is the only way to achieve lasting peace between & .

Espen Barth Eide (@EspenBarthEide) April 18, 2024


Malaysian Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Mohamad Hasan has expressed disappointment over the UN vote on Palestine.

The exercise of a veto on this crucial issue called into question the real desire of Council members to realize the inalienable rights of the Palestinians, including their right to self-determination after decades of illegal and bellicose occupation of the territory by Israel. Palestinian territory of the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem since 1967, it said in a statement.

Malaysia remains committed to the Palestinian cause and will continue its efforts towards the establishment of an independent and sovereign Palestinian state, based on the pre-1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital, he added.


In a statement, Indonesia's Foreign Ministry said the country deeply regrets yet another failure of the UN Security Council to adopt a resolution on the full membership of the State of Palestine in the UN, due to a veto by one of its permanent members.

The veto once again betrays the common aspiration to build lasting peace in the Middle East, the ministry said, adding that Indonesia would continue to support Palestine's full membership in the UN.


Pakistan has expressed disappointment over the UN Security Council's failure to reach consensus.

Pakistan is deeply disappointed by the outcome of last night's debate at the UN Security Council and its failure to reach consensus and recommend Palestinian membership in the UNGA. We regret the US decision to veto the draft resolution granting Palestine full membership in the UN, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra Baloch said during a briefing Press.




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