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Britain tries again to distort the truth about Rwanda

Britain tries again to distort the truth about Rwanda


In an interview on the BBC's Today program this week, Deputy Foreign Secretary Andrew Mitchell sang the praises of Rwanda's remarkable regime. But as the debate over the government's Rwanda Security Bill drew to a close, he omitted some important facts about Rwanda's human rights record.

When asked about the 2018 shooting and killing of 12 Congolese refugees by Rwandan security forces during a protest over food ration cuts in the Kiziba refugee camp, Mitchell insisted the incident was highly controversial. In its December 2023 policy statement, the UK government sought to present the murder as an isolated incident. [with] There is no information about similar incidents since 2018.

There is no dispute about what happened. Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International found that Rwandan police used excessive force during protests. Dozens of protesters were arrested and charged, and those who signed a letter to the United Nations appealing for increased food rations received the heaviest sentences.

Impunity for security forces, reports of a cover-up by Rwanda's National Human Rights Commission, and the imprisonment of dozens of refugees have sent a stark warning against further attempts to organize protests.

Mitchell also failed to mention Rwanda's involvement in one of the largest refugee crises on the continent in neighboring Democratic Republic of Congo by supporting the violent M23 armed group that has committed widespread atrocities. He omits the fact that the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) opposed the UK-Rwanda asylum agreement, and instead compares it to the UNHCR transit mechanism, which temporarily houses asylum seekers and refugees, deliberately misleading his audience into thinking otherwise. It looks like it does. Voluntary migration from Libya to Rwanda.

Instead of focusing on how Rwanda's capital, Kigali, is considered safe from petty theft, Mitchell explains how people who question the Rwandan government's correct record are blocked from entering Rwanda, arrested, and disappear. We need to investigate whether death occurred in circumstances where there were no such circumstances.

Rwanda's security bill was adopted late last night, and efforts in the Senate to include an oversight mechanism were rejected by government officials on the grounds that it was cumbersome and obstructive. Such research is needed now more than ever.

The government may have legislated to circumvent the Supreme Court ruling that Rwanda is not a safe country to send asylum seekers, but it cannot bend the truth to its will. Rwanda's dismal human rights record is for all to see.




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