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More than 200 protesters arrested on 4 American campuses

More than 200 protesters arrested on 4 American campuses


More than 200 protesters were arrested Saturday at Northeastern University, Arizona State University, Indiana University and Washington University in St. Louis, officials said, while as universities across the country struggle to quell growing pro-Palestinian protests and campus encampments.

More than 700 protesters have been arrested on U.S. campuses since April 18, when Columbia University asked New York police to clear a protest encampment. In several cases, most of those arrested were released.

At Washington University in St. Louis, more than 80 arrests were made and the campus was sealed off Saturday evening, university officials said in a statement, adding that campus police were still processing arrests. Jill Stein, the Green Party's 2024 presidential candidate, was among those arrested, along with her campaign manager and another staffer, a campaign spokesperson said.

Earlier in the day, at Northeastern in Boston, protesters set up an encampment on the Centennial Common campus this week that drew more than 100 supporters. The administration had asked the protesters to leave, but many students did not.

Around dawn Saturday, Massachusetts State Police officers arrived at the encampment and began arresting protesters, handcuffing them and dismantling several tents. They said they arrested 102 protesters. It is unclear how many of those arrested were students, but the university said students who presented their university ID cards would be released.

A Northeast spokeswoman, Renata Nyul, said the protest was infiltrated by professional organizers and the use of virulent anti-Semitic slurs, including Kill the Jews, crossed the line.

Protesters denied both claims, and a video emerged showing that it was a pro-Israeli counter-protester who used the phrase, as part of his criticism of the chants of pro-Palestinian demonstrators. In response to this video, Ms. Nyul stood by her initial comments, adding that any suggestion that disgusting and anti-Semitic comments are sometimes acceptable depending on the context is objectionable.

After the protesters were removed from the camp by police, then handcuffed and taken to a nearby building, they moved to block a nearby alley where police vehicles were parked. They clapped in support when one of the arrested protesters, wearing a Northeast sweatshirt, waved through the building's windows with his hands tied.

Alina Caudle, a sophomore at Northeastern University, reiterated protesters' demands that the university disclose its investments and divest from companies that protesters view as supporting Israel's war in Gaza.

We want them to part with the money that was used to pay our tuition fees, Ms. Caudle said. Our administration does not listen to us.

Ms. Caudle said she believed the vast majority of students at the camp were Northeastern students, along with a large number of Jewish students and faculty supporting the protest.

By 11 a.m. Saturday, most of the camp was evacuated. A moving company was assigned to load the tents, snacks and other items scattered across the grounds.

The mass arrest at Northeastern was the second early morning crackdown on protesters on a Boston campus in less than a week. Early Thursday morning, Boston police officers arrested 118 people at Emerson College after protesters refused to move and formed a barricade.

More than 2,500 miles away, at Arizona State University, school police arrested 69 people early Saturday morning after setting up an unauthorized encampment in a violation of university policy , school officials said.

The school said protesters created an encampment and the group was repeatedly ordered to disperse.

Although the university will continue to be a supportive environment for free speech, ASU's first priority is to create a safe and secure environment that supports teaching and learning, officials said. school in a press release.

Three people were also arrested at the school in connection with a Friday protest, officials said.

At Indiana University in Bloomington, where university police arrested 33 people at an encampment earlier this week, campus and state police arrested 23 more protesters Saturday. Officials said a group erected numerous tents and canopies Friday evening with the stated intention of occupying university space indefinitely.

Schools across the country have used different strategies over the past week to quell the protests. Some backed away and sought to ease tensions, while at other universities, such as the University of Southern California and Emory University, police rushed to disperse encampments and arrest students and faculty , among others.

At some protests, injuries were reported, but in many cases the arrests were peaceful and protesters often surrendered voluntarily when police intervened.

On Saturday, there appeared to be an increased police presence on several campuses, although not all of them made arrests. At the University of Pennsylvania, more than a dozen campus police officers were stationed along the barricades, with more than 100 protesters in one encampment and about a dozen pro-Israel counterprotesters along the campus.

Across the country, at California State Polytechnic University Humboldt, police were stationed throughout the now-shuttered campus after protesters occupied two buildings earlier this week. About three dozen protesters were in an encampment.

Beyond arrests, schools use other measures to apply pressure. At Harvard, access to its historic Harvard Yard was restricted, allowing only those who presented a university ID card. The university also suspended a pro-Palestinian group, but the group and its supporters nonetheless set up camp in the courtyard.

On Saturday, Harvard's dean of students sent an email to the student body warning that anyone attending the camp would face discipline. But there was no sign of an imminent police operation.

At Cornell University, the student newspaper The Cornell Daily Sun reported Friday that four students linked to the pro-Palestinian encampment on campus had been suspended from school. Cornell officials confirmed the suspensions had been issued, but declined to provide a number.

In a statement Saturday afternoon, university vice president for university relations Joel M. Malina said the school had asked protesters to move to an area where noise would not disrupt classes and where people could easily avoid the encampment, but he said that offer was rejected.

Mr. Malina also said the university was prepared to issue additional suspensions, as well as refer participating employees to HR.

Nick Wilson, a student who said he was among those suspended, said in an opinion piece for the Cornell Daily Sun that he and others were removed from their current classes and were not allowed to enter campus. Yet, he writes, the suspension strangely gave him hope. By his reasoning, institutions like Cornell would not have suspended him and others unless they genuinely feared our movement would succeed.

Halina Bennet, Andrew Spielmann, Jonathan Wolfe and Joel Wolfram contributed reporting.




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