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'No signs of malicious activity' as e-gates return to operation at UK airports after travel disruption | uk news

'No signs of malicious activity' as e-gates return to operation at UK airports after travel disruption |  uk news


The Home Office said a 'nationwide issue' with electronic gates at airports, which had caused travel disruptions across the country, had been resolved.

It said its systems were back up and running and there were “no indications of malicious cyber activity.”

Social media images and videos showed long lines at passport scanning gates at several airports overnight.

Passengers reported being stuck on the plane after landing, while others said they missed their trains due to delays.

Image: Queue at Gatwick Airport. Photo: Paul Kurijevic/PA

Heathrow, Gatwick and Stansted airports were also affected, as well as Manchester, Bristol, Southampton, Edinburgh, Glasgow and Aberdeen.

A passenger at Stansted Airport told Sky News he missed several buses to central London due to the problem and only got through the airport after queuing for almost three hours.

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0:43 Confusing travel at UK airports

“There is not much information. They are not even giving out water. Babies are crying,” they said.

Another employee at Luton Airport said it took around 80 minutes to leave the plane in Amsterdam and get through border controls.

One traveler said he was stuck on a plane at Stansted Airport for about an hour and a half after landing.

They told Sky News: “We hadn't heard much other than that the e-gate was down, but we had no idea how long it would take.”

“Nothing was said after that other than we couldn’t get off until the five planes in front of us got off.”

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Image: Queues and closed e-gates at Gatwick Airport

'No signs of malicious cyber activity'

A Home Office spokesperson said: “E-Gates at UK airports came back online shortly after midnight.”

“As soon as engineers detected a widespread system network issue at 7.44pm last night, a large-scale emergency response was activated within six minutes.

“There has never been a breach of border security and there are no signs of malicious cyber activity.”

Image: Queue at Manchester Airport. Photo: @GoggleBizTog Image: Queues at Gatwick Airport. Photo: Paul Uwagboe/PA

Last year the E-gate system went down.

The chaos comes after Border Force staff went on strike for four days at Heathrow Airport last week over working conditions.

The union said workers were opposing plans to introduce a new list, which it claimed would result in around 250 people losing their jobs at passport control.

Britain's e-gate system also crashed in May last year, causing long queues and hours-long delays for passengers.

At the time, travel expert Paul Charles told Sky News that the system was “absolutely hanging” due to lack of investment in Britain's transport infrastructure.

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