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UK expels Russian defense attaché due to strengthened sanctions | russia

UK expels Russian defense attaché due to strengthened sanctions |  russia


A Russian defense attaché is an undeclared military intelligence officer who will be expelled from Britain amid tightening sanctions, the home secretary has revealed.

James Cleverly also announced Wednesday that he was revoking the diplomatic status of several Russian-owned buildings, telling lawmakers the move followed a pattern of nefarious activity in the U.K. and across Europe.

The defense attaché, named Colonel Maxim Elovik, appears to have been in the UK since at least 2014 and was spotted attending wreath-laying ceremonies in memory of Russian war dead in 2020 and 2023.

This is the first time Britain has expelled a Russian military attaché since the end of the Cold War.

Before being stationed in London, Elovik served as an aide at the Russian Embassy in Washington, DC.

The announcement came after senior Conservative lawmakers called for additional sanctions on Putin's aides and allies, saying they failed to interfere with his economy or the activities of his proxies.

In April, a British man was charged with hostile state activity to benefit Russia, including recruiting others to carry out arson attacks on Ukraine-linked commercial properties in London.

Cleverly, he told the House of Commons: Today, together with the Foreign Secretary, I am announcing a series of measures to make it clear to Russia that we will not tolerate such an overt escalation.

I can tell home that I will expel the Russian Defense Attache, an undeclared military intelligence officer. We will remove diplomatic status from a number of Russian-owned properties in the UK.

We are imposing new restrictions on Russian diplomatic visas, including limiting how long Russian diplomats can stay in the UK.

Rear Admiral Ian Lower, Vice Chief of Naval Staff, and Capt. Maxim Elovic (left). Photo: Dave Jenkins/Department of Defense

Moscow will condemn Russophobia and spread conspiracy theories in response, Cleverly said. In the future, we should expect accusations of Russophobia, conspiracy theories and hysteria from the Russian government. This is nothing new and the British people and the British government will not be fooled by this or seen as fools by Putin's bots, trolls and minions.

Yvette Cooper, the shadow home secretary, said Labor supported action against Russia and would maintain its support for Ukraine.

Russian assets stripped of diplomatic status include Seacox Heath, Tythhurst, East Sussex, and the Russian embassy's trade and defense department in Highgate, north London.

Anyone traveling to or from Seacox Heath after diplomatic privileges have been revoked must notify the authorities. It is understood that security services will continue to monitor properties in Highgate and Sussex.

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Additional restrictions on Russian diplomatic visas were also announced, including limits on how long Russian diplomats can stay in the country.

The move comes after a suspected arson attack on a Ukrainian-linked business in east London was suspected to have been organized by the Kremlin.

British prosecutors indicted five people in connection with a fire that occurred last March using gasoline and other accelerants at a warehouse in an industrial complex in Leyton, east London.

The warehouse houses two courier services – Oddisey and Meest Express, owned by British-Ukrainian Mikhail Boikov and his London-based wife Jelena Boikova.

The attack was part of an alleged plot involving the Wagner Group, a mercenary organization linked to President Putin.

Last April, two of them were indicted on charges of violating the National Security Act. Separately, six Bulgarian nationals have been indicted in Britain on charges of conspiring to commit espionage on behalf of Russia. The expulsions and other sanctions would likely lead to similar moves in Russia.

The government also passed sanctions against six men accused of running the brutal camp where Russian opposition politician Alexei Navalny died in February.




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