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Elite cyclist seeking UK asylum says he must travel to Bibby Stockholm barge | BB Stockholm

Elite cyclist seeking UK asylum says he must travel to Bibby Stockholm barge |  BB Stockholm


A gold medal-winning elite cyclist who is seeking asylum in the UK fears his career has been derailed after he was told by the Home Office he must travel on the BB Stockholm barge and cannot take his bike on board.

Mohammad Ganzkanru (26) from Iran won 4 gold medals, 2 silver medals, and 6 bronze medals in major competitions, and also participated in the World Championships.

According to Michael Gray, road racing secretary at Reading Cycling Club, of which Ganjkhanlou is a member, he is the best racer in Asian U-23 cycling history.

Ganjkhanlou said he had new hope for his career thanks to the support network he had built in the area since the Home Office placed him in a hotel in Reading eight months ago.

After the Guardian contacted the Home Office, officials said he would not be allowed to board his bike or ride in the port area, but Ganjkhanlou would be allowed to store his bike in storage at the port and ride elsewhere.

Reading Cycling Club is like family to me, said Mohammad Ganjkhanlou. Photo: Provided

Reading Cycling Club is like family to me. Because I am an asylum seeker, I have to work my way back through the elite cycling system from scratch and the club is helping me with that, Ganjkhanlou said.

If I could lock up my bike somewhere in Portland I could train on my own, but I would never have the opportunity to rebuild my career and race with my friends under the banner of Reading Cycling Club.

“If I move to Portland, I’m going to have a hard time not being able to play,” Gray said. His talent and positive mental attitude will drop back to zero. There is no racetrack nearby, no road racing, no racing team, and no room for him to ride his bike. It's his bike that keeps him focused and happy and gives him something to aim for each week and month.

Ganjkhanlou, who started cycling at the age of 10, was at a very low point when circumstances in his home country forced him into exile in the UK, but he said becoming part of Reading's elite cycling community was not easy. A game changer for him.

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“After coming to Reading Cycling Club, bright days began and I was able to forget some of my sadness and compete again,” he said. They got a racing license for me. They helped me enter competitions and gave me a club race kit. If the Home Office transfers me to BB Stockholm, I will be in prison and will be away from cycling, which is my life and therapy.

Emma Clark Lam, a volunteer with Care4Calais in Reading, the charity supporting Ganjkhanlou, said: “I believe that Mohammad’s mental health will be at serious risk if he is sent to live on the Bibi Stockholm barge. For an elite cyclist like Mohammad, not being able to train or race with his local club is inconceivable.

We were still hoping that the Home Office would change its mind about this, but if it didn't, it would be a very cruel outcome for poor Mohammad.




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